Hi Ming, thanks for your reply.Hi Tony,
There are a few issues in your case:
(1) for delx =3km, please turn off cumulus scheme, i.e., cu_physics =0
(2) please check the value of num_land_cat in your met_em file, then use this value in namelist. I believe the current value you set (=41) is not correct
(3) Which version of WRF are you running? If it is older version, please switch to WRVV4.5.1
Dear Ming,Tony,
I believe the LCZ category is an issue here. This is because the urban local climate zone (LCZ) numbers of 31-41 overlap with NLCD land categories, which may cause errors. For more details, please see
Bug fix: Update urban LCZ number in parameter tables by cenlinhe · Pull Request #1786 · wrf-model/WRF
Update urban LCZ numbers in parameter tables to avoid overlapping with existing NLCD land types. TYPE: bug fix KEYWORDS: urban, LCZ, parameter table SOURCE: Cenlin He (NCAR) This addressed the issu...github.com
Yes. I comfirmed they are all set to 1. Thanks for noticing.Hi Tony, you turn on the air conditioning switch in URBPARM_LCZ.tbl?
# SW_COND: Air conditioning switch, 1=ON
# (sf_urban_physics=3)
SW_COND: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0