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WRF configuration errors: "moving nest option is not available..." & "NETCDF4 IO features are requested..."


Hello and Happy New Year!

I am trying to reconfigure and recompile my WRF and WPS since I'm still unable to figure out how to fix the problem with my "real.exe" which I already posted here in the Forum. But after I ran ./clean -a and ./configure, the process prematurely ended and resulted in errors, with the following message appearing in the Terminal:
************************** W A R N I N G ************************************

The moving nest option is not available due to missing rpc/types.h file.
Copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory to bypass compile error.

************************** W A R N I N G ************************************
NETCDF4 IO features are requested, but this installation of NetCDF
DOES NOT support these IO features.

Please make sure NETCDF version is 4.1.3 or later and was built with

OR set NETCDF_classic variable
bash/ksh : export NETCDF_classic=1
csh : setenv NETCDF_classic 1

Then re-run this configure script

!!! configure.wrf has been REMOVED !!!

Being a beginner in both WRF and coding in the Terminal, I really don't know how to resolve the "missing rpc/types.h" problem and I'm also confused on how to troubleshoot the NetCDF4 issue since I already had successfully built both netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran libraries (following the online guide). I also tried to install WRF using a precoded installation script, but despite that, it still ended up in that same two errors.

I'm hoping for your soonest response on this matter. Thank you very much and Happy New Year to all.
The netCDF library you installed canot support WRF IO feature. Pleaase take a look at the document here:
and follow the instruction to reinstall netCDF.
Thank you very much for this tip, I'm now able to proceed to compilation. I am still worried though about the "missing rpc/types.h" since I'm compiling WRF with the vortex following feature:
The moving nest option is not available due to missing rpc/types.h file.
Copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory to bypass compile error.
Do I simply "copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory", or are there other additional steps to solve this issue?

Thank you very much in advance for your response.
Hello, I successfully finished compiling WRF with the vortex following feature, despite the "missing rpc/types.h file" message in the configuration. Does this mean that WRF may still not function properly if I attempt to implement a moving nest for a tropical cyclone despite this successful compilation? Do I simply "copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory" in order to solve the issue, or are there other additional steps for this?
The moving nest option is not available due to missing rpc/types.h file.
Copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory to bypass compile error.

Thank you very much in advance for your response.

Screenshot from 2024-01-08 17-16-57.png