Hello! It looks like you're running into CFL errors immediately. Essentially, the model may become unstable when the Courant number (C) is greater than one, where C is:
C = (velocity*dt)/(dx).
The velocity here would be the wind. What happens when CFL is violated and C > 1 is that information from one gridpoint is travelling past the surrounding gridpoints in a single time step, which dynamic systems are not prepared to handle. This can happen if your time step is too large, or if there is especially strong wind in your simulation (including because of complex terrain).
The first thing to modify for CFL errors is typically the time step. It looks like your time step is set to 360. I would personally reduce that in steps of 30 or so and rerun until you find a time step that allows the simulation to complete. If that doesn't happen, or the functional time step is too small for your purposes, I would take a look at some of the various smoothing parameters. There are a few ways to control how waves are damped or even to smooth your terrain, but first you should probably take look at the time step.
One other error that someone new may run into is having incorrect boundary conditions, either from not running real.exe or having something go wrong upstream in WPS. If the boundary conditions are from the incorrect date or for the wrong domain, the extreme gradients at the boundary can sometimes cause CFL to be violated.