New member
Hello All,
Please, I am having problem with wrf.exe as it crashes. Attached is the response I got.
I use the command "mpirun -np 8 ./wrf.exe". I have been using same command previously without having problems with it and even for the same domain. But it recently started crashing and I don't know what could have caused it. I have tried to reduce the number of processors by using "mpirun -np 6 ./wrf.exe" command but it still crashed.
I'll appreciate your guide and help in solving this problem, please.
Thanks and kind regards,
Please, I am having problem with wrf.exe as it crashes. Attached is the response I got.
I use the command "mpirun -np 8 ./wrf.exe". I have been using same command previously without having problems with it and even for the same domain. But it recently started crashing and I don't know what could have caused it. I have tried to reduce the number of processors by using "mpirun -np 6 ./wrf.exe" command but it still crashed.
I'll appreciate your guide and help in solving this problem, please.
Thanks and kind regards,