New member
Hi there,
Grad student looking for some guidance running wrf 3.9.1, and wondering if you all can provide assistance.
Real.exe successfully completes without error or problems and produces all required files wrfinput/wrfbdy for wrf.exe. When I run wrf.exe, it just stops with no fatal error, warnings, or segmentation faults. Nothing in the rsl.error or rsl.out files seems to be amiss, it just stops. I've bumped my debug level up to 9999 to provide any additional info, but nothing jumps out at me saying there's a problem.
View attachment namelist.input
View attachment rsl.error.0000.txt
View attachment rsl.out.0000.txt
I greatly appreciate any help/input that you can provide me.
Grad student looking for some guidance running wrf 3.9.1, and wondering if you all can provide assistance.
Real.exe successfully completes without error or problems and produces all required files wrfinput/wrfbdy for wrf.exe. When I run wrf.exe, it just stops with no fatal error, warnings, or segmentation faults. Nothing in the rsl.error or rsl.out files seems to be amiss, it just stops. I've bumped my debug level up to 9999 to provide any additional info, but nothing jumps out at me saying there's a problem.
View attachment namelist.input
View attachment rsl.error.0000.txt
View attachment rsl.out.0000.txt
I greatly appreciate any help/input that you can provide me.