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WRF-FIRE ideal.exe


New member

I was trying to run ideal.exe for WRF-FIRE on Cheyenne, but was given this error:

Need to choose valid non-zero ideal_case: ideal_case = 0

Where should I set the value for this ideal_case variable? And what value should I set it to?

I wonder whether you have compiled WRF-Fire? if not, please follow the steps below:
in top WRF directory, please type
./clean -a
./configure (and choose the option you want)
./compile em_fire

After the compilation is done successfully, you will see ideal.exe and wrf.exe in WRF/test/em_fire

Then you can run ./ideal.exe and ./wrf.exe for ideal WRF-Fire simulation.
I wonder whether you have compiled WRF-Fire? if not, please follow the steps below:
in top WRF directory, please type
./clean -a
./configure (and choose the option you want)
./compile em_fire

After the compilation is done successfully, you will see ideal.exe and wrf.exe in WRF/test/em_fire

Then you can run ./ideal.exe and ./wrf.exe for ideal WRF-Fire simulation.
Thanks for your response! It turns out that I WRF-Fire was indeed not compiled. However, as I'm compiling, an error occurs:

Problems building executables, look for errors in the build log

I don't see a log file in the file either. Where should I look at to locate the problem and complete the compile?

the log file should be the output when you compiled the code. For example, I did a test compiling by the command (in bash)
./compile em_fire &> log&

And all errors will be saved in log file.

Please choose serial mode when compiling ideal WRF cases.
Thank you so much for getting back! Now the log file does show up, but the error with building executables still exists. The ideal.exe and wrf.exe files are listed in the WRF/run folder after the unsuccessful compilation but they cannot be run.


    88.4 KB · Views: 1
It seems that you are compiling WRF in cheyenne.
I am thinking that some of your options could be wrong. Please recompile following the steps below:
./clean -a
./configure (choose option 13: INTEL (ifort/icc), serial mode)
./compile em_fire &> log&

Let me know if you still have problems.
It seems that you are compiling WRF in cheyenne.
I am thinking that some of your options could be wrong. Please recompile following the steps below:
./clean -a
./configure (choose option 13: INTEL (ifort/icc), serial mode)
./compile em_fire &> log&

Let me know if you still have problems.

That solved my problem. Thanks!