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wrf ocean physics

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

I would like to run with ocean physics option.

if I will set sf_ocean_physics=1 (!d mixed layer)

Will i need to put ocean levels, ocean_z, ocean_t, ocean_s??
How to set mixed layer depth and lapse rate below ocean?
Kindly suggest.

Thanks and Regards
When sf_ocean_physics=1, a simple slab ocean mixing layer module is activated. The mixing layer is 50m depth with the standard lapse rate of temperature specified.
ocean_z, ocean_t, ocean_s are specified only when sf_ocean_physics=2 (PWP). Otherwise you don't need to worry for these options.
Technically you can change the depth of the mixing layer and the lapse rate. However, please be cautious with the physics behind. The changes you intend to make must bee physically reasonable, I think.
Thank you for your reply and suggestion. While changing any parameter, it should be physically reasonable, But I would like to test.
Also I have not found any option to change depth and lapse rate in namelist. Will I need to change it in model code? If it is, where should I look for?

Please take a look at the code phys/module_sf_oml.F. You may also need to refer to the paper for more information
Pollard, R. T., P. B. Rhines, and R. O. R. Y. Thompson, 1973: The deepening of the wind–mixed layer. Geophys. Fluid. Dyn., 3, 381–404. doi:10.1080/03091927208236105