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WRF Output Discrepency


New member
I was actually trying to run the WRF model using 2 configurations -
1) 48 hr duration (2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00)
2) 48 hr duration but in 3hr chunks (Simulation_1: "2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-18_15:00:00", ... ,Simulation_16: "2022-07-20_09:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00")
even after Aggregating (curr_chunk_rain = prev_chunk_rain + curr_chunk_rain)
same met data(2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00) and namelist files(except the time ranges)
So, when I observed the output of both these simulations for the first 3 hrs, I observed that for RAINNC variable there was a huge difference in the output of both these simulations though they were actually running for same region and same duration(first 3 hrs).

Here is the Output of both these for your reference -
1) 48 hr duration (2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00) -
_c3 Column = "RAINNC" in mm
2023-09-19 06:00:18,336 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T12:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,340 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T13:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,343 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T14:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,346 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T15:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,347 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T16:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,349 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T17:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,351 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T18:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,353 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T19:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0026964406'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,355 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T20:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.009049861'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,356 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T21:00:00.000', '_c3': '25.35142'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,357 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T22:00:00.000', '_c3': '32.02499'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,359 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T23:00:00.000', '_c3': '32.032722'}
2023-09-19 06:00:18,361 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-19T00:00:00.000', '_c3': '32.369686'}
2) 48 hr duration but in 3hr chunks (Simulation_1: "2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-18_15:00:00", ... ,Simulation_16: "2022-07-20_09:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00") -
even after Aggregating (curr_chunk_rain = prev_chunk_rain + curr_chunk_rain)
_c3 Column = "RAINNC" in mm
2023-09-19 06:00:15,350 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T12:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581456E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,352 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T13:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581492E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,353 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T14:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581528E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,354 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T15:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581564E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,356 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T16:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.65816E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,359 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T17:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581636E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,360 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T18:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581672E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,362 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T19:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.0', '_c4': '1.6581708E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,363 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T20:00:00.000', '_c3': '1.8566412E-5', '_c4': '1.6581744E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,365 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T21:00:00.000', '_c3': '8.5701403E-4', '_c4': '1.658178E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,366 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T22:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.03614223375916481', '_c4': '1.6581816E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,368 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-18T23:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.142098069190979', '_c4': '1.6581852E9'}
2023-09-19 06:00:15,370 - aggregator - INFO - {'_c0': '36.44705', '_c1': '-83.300964', '_c2': '2022-07-19T00:00:00.000', '_c3': '0.14225231111049652', '_c4': '1.6581888E9'}
For example in the below files if you will observe then at TIMESTAMP="2022-07-18T21:00:00.000" the RAIN value for appoach1 is 25.35142mm and for approach2 it is 8.5701403E-4 nowhere near the value for single-core. And these values keep diverging as we go further.

Can you please explain why is this happening? And also is there a way to minimize the difference b/w approach1 and approach2?
Just to be sure I'm understanding correctly, are you saying that if you have 2 namelist setups, that are otherwise identical except that

namelist 1) 2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00
namelist 2) 2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-18_15:00:00

If you compare RAINNC values at the time stamp of 2022-07-18_15:00:00 between the 2 runs, the values are different?

Can you attach the two different namelists you used for these 2 methods? Thanks!
Yes I have two setups
Approach 1 - Single Namelist file with dates - [2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00]
Approach 2 - Each Namelist file having 3 hour chunk of the above 48 hr duration -
Namelist1 - 2022-07-18_12:00:00 to 2022-07-18_15:00:00
Namelist2 - 2022-07-18_15:00:00 to 2022-07-18_18:00:00
Namelistn- 2022-07-20_09:00:00 to 2022-07-20_12:00:00
When I compare the data b/w approach1 and approach2(combining each 3 hour chunk to make 48 hour, also handling the RAINNC accumulation - adding previous 3hr accumulation to curr so on) There is huge difference b/w the RAINNC values.
Namelist using - Just changing the date values in the namelist for each chunk/approach
start_year = 2018, 2018
start_month = 7, 7
start_day = 15, 15
start_hour = 15, 15
end_year = 2018, 2018
end_month = 7, 7
end_day = 15, 15
end_hour = 18, 18
interval_seconds = 10800
input_from_file = .true., .true.
history_interval = 60, 60
frames_per_outfile = 100, 100
restart = .false.
restart_interval = 7200
io_form_history = 2
io_form_restart = 2
io_form_input = 2
io_form_boundary = 2
start_minute = 0, 0
start_second = 0, 0
end_minute = 0, 0
end_second = 0, 0
nocolons = .true.

time_step = 40
time_step_fract_num = 0
time_step_fract_den = 1
max_dom = 2
e_we = 31, 31
e_sn = 31, 31
e_vert = 33, 33
p_top_requested = 5000
num_metgrid_levels = 32
num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4
dx = 9000.0, 3000.0
dy = 9000.0, 3000.0
grid_id = 1, 2
parent_id = 1, 1
i_parent_start = 1, 11
j_parent_start = 1, 11
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3
parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3
feedback = 1
smooth_option = 0

physics_suite = 'CONUS'
mp_physics = 0, 0
cu_physics = 0, 0
radt = 9, 3
bldt = 0, 0
cudt = 0, 0
icloud = 0
num_land_cat = 21
sf_urban_physics = 1, 1

hybrid_opt = 2
w_damping = 0
diff_opt = 1, 1
km_opt = 4, 4
diff_6th_opt = 0, 0, 0
diff_6th_factor = 0.12, 0.12
base_temp = 290.0
damp_opt = 3
zdamp = 5000.0, 5000.0
dampcoef = 0.2, 0.2
khdif = 0, 0
kvdif = 0, 0

spec_bdy_width = 5
specified = .true.

Also attaching the RAINNC values for both approaches -
18-07-2022 12:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 13:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 14:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 15:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 16:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 17:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 18:000.00000000000.0000000000
18-07-2022 19:000.00269644060.0000000000
18-07-2022 20:000.00904986100.0000185664
18-07-2022 21:0025.35142000000.0008570140
18-07-2022 22:0032.02499000000.0361422340
18-07-2022 23:0032.03272200000.1420980740
19-07-2022 00:0032.36968600000.1422523140
19-07-2022 01:0078.41131000000.1422523140
19-07-2022 02:00134.12024000000.1422523140
19-07-2022 03:00162.14316000000.1422523140
19-07-2022 04:00178.10588000000.1422523140
19-07-2022 05:00180.21828000000.1422523140
19-07-2022 06:00180.21931000000.1422683311
19-07-2022 07:00180.31068000000.1422683311
19-07-2022 08:00180.36360000000.1422861090
19-07-2022 09:00180.36360000000.1422683311
19-07-2022 10:00180.36450000000.1422683311
19-07-2022 11:00180.36464000000.1423843801
19-07-2022 12:00180.36641000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 13:00180.36707000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 14:00181.36707000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 15:00182.36707000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 16:00183.36707000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 17:00180.36719000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 18:00180.36737000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 19:00180.41635000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 20:00180.42662000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 21:00180.42670000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 22:00180.42682000000.1426712104
19-07-2022 23:00181.42682000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 00:00182.42682000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 01:00183.42682000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 02:00184.42682000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 03:00185.42682000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 04:00186.42682000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 05:00180.43942000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 06:00180.44067000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 07:00181.44067000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 08:00182.44067000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 09:00180.44113000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 10:00180.44159000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 11:00180.44853000000.1426712104
20-07-2022 12:00180.45956000000.1571877114
Ah okay. The reason for this is because when you run for the full 48 hours, you have initial conditions (wrfinput_d0*) that come from the first guess model (your input data to the ungrib program) at the beginning of that simulation. But when you run for 3 hour intervals, you are using new initial conditions at the beginning of each 3 hour interval. So these simulations aren't actually comparable. Over time, this can cause fairly significant differences.

What is your reason for wanting to run these two different ways?