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WRF results are different when using different numbers of processors


New member
My WRF version is 4.4.2.

When I use different numbers of processors, WRF results are different. After some experiments, I found out the reason is in the WRF namelist.

When "zadvect_implicit" is 1, WRF results are different when I use different numbers of processors.
When "zadvect_implicit" is 0, WRF results are exactly the same.

Anyone has ideas why?
My WRF version is 4.4.2.

When I use different numbers of processors, WRF results are different. After some experiments, I found out the reason is in the WRF namelist.

When "zadvect_implicit" is 1, WRF results are different when I use different numbers of processors.
When "zadvect_implicit" is 0, WRF results are exactly the same.

Anyone has ideas why?
Can you attach your relevant rsl files and name list files so we can see what you are referring to?
In addition to attaching the files requested above, can you also let us know which variables you are seeing differences in, and how long into the simulation do the differences occur? Thanks!