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WRF Solar Deng Shallow Convection


New member
I am running two one-way nested domain (D1=15 km and D2=3 km) with WRF Solar model. According to the benchmark WRF Solar configuration, the cumulus scheme needs to be turned off and use the Deng Shallow convection (shcu_physics =5). D2 is running in Convective Permitting Mode, should I turn off the Deng Shallow Convection scheme for D2?
I am not sure why WRF Solar recommends turning off cumulus. Would you please point me to the website where you get the benchmark WRF Solar information? Could it be because they recommend high resolution run using WRF Solar?
Based on my understanding, I think that you should turn on cumulus scheme for D01 (15km), and run Deng-shallow convection scheme for D02.
Please keep me updated whether this works for you. Usually it is recommended that physics should be the same for all domains, but I guess cumulus scheme can be an exception.
This is the link for WRF-Solar configuration
From my understanding, I have to use Deng scheme for the outer domain. Now my question is whether to turn off the high-resolution because the model runs in convective permitting mode
I read the WRF SOLAR website regarding its recommendation of physics options.
Deng shallow scheme accounts for both deep and shallow convection, yet deep convection is not sufficiently described by this scheme. So I still think it is better to run with cumulus scheme for D01 (15km) and run Deng scheme for D02.
I will talk to our experts and get back to you if they have different options. Tis may take some time. Thanks for your patience.
A few Solar WRF experts indicate that either way should be OK, i.e., you can run with Deng scheme activated in both domains, or you can run with different cumulus scheme in D01 and remain with Deng scheme in D02. Please evaluate your results and determine with option is better for your case.
A few Solar WRF experts indicate that either way should be OK, i.e., you can run with Deng scheme activated in both domains, or you can run with different cumulus scheme in D01 and remain with Deng scheme in D02. Please evaluate your results and determine with option is better for your case.
Is it necessary for us to run the Deng scheme in D02(2km × 2km) ? Because D02 is a convective resolvable scale, all convective parameterization schemes are turned off in D02.