Without any mistake being visible in rsl.out or rsl.error, my WRF stopped running.
The WRF stopped roughly in the third month of my 4-month experiment.
I discovered 2 solutions to this issue: first, minimize the domain area, for instance, when my larger domain encompassed all of India, WRF would terminate without a problem, but when my smaller domain only covered South India, everything would work as it should; and second, change the land surface model. WRF stops while using Noah-MP to simulate, however other LSMs don't run into any problems, whether big or small domain.
Is Noah-MP at fault here?
The WRF stopped roughly in the third month of my 4-month experiment.
I discovered 2 solutions to this issue: first, minimize the domain area, for instance, when my larger domain encompassed all of India, WRF would terminate without a problem, but when my smaller domain only covered South India, everything would work as it should; and second, change the land surface model. WRF stops while using Noah-MP to simulate, however other LSMs don't run into any problems, whether big or small domain.
Is Noah-MP at fault here?