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WRF works well even without auxiliary input stream 15 when settingaer_aod550_opt = 2 and aer_opt = 2.


New member
The manual says that setting aer_aod550_opt = 2 and aer_opt = 2 can use input value from auxiliary input15 files,which is a time-varying 2D grid in netcdf wrf-compatible format.
What confuses me a bit is that wrf works even without auxiliary input stream 15 when setting aer_aod550_opt = 2 and aer_opt = 2.By the way ,WRF version is V4.4.1.
I don't know what's going on, can anyone help me, I'd appreciate it

Last edited:
Can you attach your namelist.input file and then issue the following in your WRF running directory:
ls -ls >& ls.txt
and then attach that ls.txt file, as well, along with your rsl.out.0000 file? Thanks!
Can you attach your namelist.input file and then issue the following in your WRF running directory:
ls -ls >& ls.txt
and then attach that ls.txt file, as well, along with your rsl.out.0000 file? Thanks!


  • ls.txt
    14.7 KB · Views: 9
  • namelist.input
    3.1 KB · Views: 21
  • rsl.out.0000
    107.3 KB · Views: 6
Can you attach your namelist.input file and then issue the following in your WRF running directory:
ls -ls >& ls.txt
and then attach that ls.txt file, as well, along with your rsl.out.0000 file? Thanks!
Thank you very much for your reply! I did not use auxiliary input stream 15 and set aer_aod550_opt = 2 and aer_opt = 2 directly in my namelist.input file.
I apologize for the delay in response. We are trying to contact the developer of this option to ask them for an explanation. We agree that it seems problematic that there is not check in the code to determine if there is input available. I'll get back to you as soon as I have any answers. Thank you for your patience.
I apologize for the delay in response. We are trying to contact the developer of this option to ask them for an explanation. We agree that it seems problematic that there is not check in the code to determine if there is input available. I'll get back to you as soon as I have any answers. Thank you for your patience.
I will be waiting for your reply, thank you!
Okay, thank you for your patience. I discussed this option with the developer. To use this option, you will need to generate the NetCDF data with the AOD at 550 nm. The AOD data could come from satellites, extrapolation of surface observations, or NWP models that resolve the atmospheric composition and provide the AOD. For testing this, the developer used data from NASA's GEOS5 and CAMS from ECMWF. Take a look as this publication for additional information. You will then need to set all the namelist parameters to look for stream 15 (auxinput15), such as

io_form_auxinput15 = 2
auxinput15_inname = “name-of-your-file_d<domain>”
auxinput15_interval = 360, 360, 360,

If everything goes well, the variable AOD5502D should appear in the netcdf output, read through auxinput 15.

Hopefully that helps and we will try to update the Users' Guide to be a little more clear about this. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!