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WRF4.3.3 NoahMP irrigation scheme didn't work


New member
hello, I used the NoahMP irrigation scheme, but the soil moisture and other variables did not change. So I checked the wrfinput file and found that the IRFRACT variables in it were all 0. Why is IRRIGATION successfully generated in met_em files during WPS preprocessing, but IRFRACT cannot be generated when ./real.exe? Below is my namelist.input:

io_form_auxinput8 = 2
auxinput8_inname = "trmask_d<domain>"
run_days = 50,
run_hours = 12,
run_minutes = 0,
run_seconds = 0,
start_year = 2014, 2000, 2000,
start_month = 05, 01, 01,
start_day = 01, 24, 24,
start_hour = 00, 12, 12,
start_minute = 00, 00, 00,
start_second = 00, 00, 00,
end_year = 2014, 2000, 2000,
end_month = 06, 01, 01,
end_day = 01, 25, 25,
end_hour = 00, 12, 12,
end_minute = 00, 00, 00,
end_second = 00, 00, 00,
interval_seconds = 10800
input_from_file = .true.,.true.,.true.,
history_interval = 60, 60, 60,
frames_per_outfile = 24, 1000, 1000,
restart = .false.,
restart_interval = 1440,
force_use_old_data = .true.
io_form_history = 2
io_form_restart = 2
io_form_input = 2
io_form_boundary = 2
debug_level = 0

time_step = 24,
time_step_fract_num = 0,
time_step_fract_den = 1,
max_dom = 1,
e_we = 200,
e_sn = 200,
e_vert = 33,
p_top_requested = 5000,
num_metgrid_levels = 38,
num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4,
dx = 4000,
dy = 4000,
grid_id = 1,
parent_id = 0,
i_parent_start = 1,
j_parent_start = 1,
parent_grid_ratio = 1,
parent_time_step_ratio = 1,
feedback = 0,
smooth_option = 0,

mp_physics = 6,
ra_lw_physics = 1,
ra_sw_physics = 1,
radt = 20,
sf_sfclay_physics = 1,
sf_surface_physics = 4,
bl_pbl_physics = 1,
bldt = 0,
cu_physics = 0,
cudt = 5,
isfflx = 1,
ifsnow = 1,
icloud = 1,
surface_input_source = 1,
num_soil_layers = 4,
num_land_cat = 21,
maxiens = 1,
maxens = 3,
maxens2 = 3,
maxens3 = 16,
ensdim = 144,
sst_update = 0,
sf_urban_physics = 0,
wtddt = 30.,
mp_zero_out = 2,
mp_zero_out_thresh = 0.,
scalar_pblmix = 0,
tracer_pblmix = 0,

opt_irr = 1
opt_irrm = 0



w_damping = 0,
diff_opt = 1,
km_opt = 4,
diff_6th_opt = 0,
diff_6th_factor = 0.12,
base_temp = 290.,
damp_opt = 0,
zdamp = 5000.,
dampcoef = 0.2,
khdif = 0,
kvdif = 0,
non_hydrostatic = .true.,
moist_adv_opt = 4,
scalar_adv_opt = 4,
tracer_adv_opt = 4,
tracer_opt = 4,
tracer2dsource = 1,
tracer3dsource = 0,
tracer3dsink = 0,

spec_bdy_width = 5,
spec_zone = 1,
relax_zone = 4,
specified = .true.,
nested = .false.,


nio_tasks_per_group = 0,
nio_groups = 1,

1663816741339.png(wrfinput IRFRACT)
1663816940772.png(met_em IRRIGATION)
Hi, Yuan,
I just explored the codes related to noahmp irrigation. I am sorry to tell that, those irrigation-related variables produced by geogrid ((e.g., IRFRACT, SIFRACT, MIFRACT. etc.) have never been incorporated into the codes, and thus they have never been used in the irrigation scheme.
Instead, the table values of these variables in run/MPTABLE.TBL are read and used when running irrigation. The basic flowchart is:
(1) In phys/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F:
if (iopt_irr >= 1) call read_mp_irrigation_parameters()
(2) in phys/module_sf_noahmplsm.F, find the folloiwng piece of code is activated to read MPTABLE.TBL:
inquire( file='MPTABLE.TBL', exist=file_named)
if ( file_named ) then
open(15, file="MPTABLE.TBL", status='old', form='formatted', action='read', iostat=Kerr
open(15, status='old', form='formatted', action='read', iostat=ierr)
IRR_FRAC_TABLE = IRR_FRAC ! irrigation Fraction
IRR_HAR_TABLE = IRR_HAR ! number of days before harvest date to stop irrigation
IRR_LAI_TABLE = IRR_LAI ! Minimum lai to trigger irrigation
(3) The above data are later used in irrigation scheme
Hi, Yuan,
I just explored the codes related to noahmp irrigation. I am sorry to tell that, those irrigation-related variables produced by geogrid ((e.g., IRFRACT, SIFRACT, MIFRACT. etc.) have never been incorporated into the codes, and thus they have never been used in the irrigation scheme.
Instead, the table values of these variables in run/MPTABLE.TBL are read and used when running irrigation. The basic flowchart is:
(1) In phys/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F:
if (iopt_irr >= 1) call read_mp_irrigation_parameters()
(2) in phys/module_sf_noahmplsm.F, find the folloiwng piece of code is activated to read MPTABLE.TBL:
inquire( file='MPTABLE.TBL', exist=file_named)
if ( file_named ) then
open(15, file="MPTABLE.TBL", status='old', form='formatted', action='read', iostat=Kerr
open(15, status='old', form='formatted', action='read', iostat=ierr)
IRR_FRAC_TABLE = IRR_FRAC ! irrigation Fraction
IRR_HAR_TABLE = IRR_HAR ! number of days before harvest date to stop irrigation
IRR_LAI_TABLE = IRR_LAI ! Minimum lai to trigger irrigation
(3) The above data are later used in irrigation scheme
wow! Thanks for your detailed and swift reply. Dear Ming, if there is any documentation regarding on how the irrigation scheme inside Noah-MP works?
Dear Ming, if there is any documentation regarding on how the irrigation scheme inside Noah-MP and Noah LSM works?
The only document that is available is WRF USER's Guide. Please see the chapter:
Other than this, I don't know whether there exist other documents to describe the irrigation options in WRF.
I understand that this is kind of less sufficient. Sorry.
Hi, Yuan,
I just explored the codes related to noahmp irrigation. I am sorry to tell that, those irrigation-related variables produced by geogrid ((e.g., IRFRACT, SIFRACT, MIFRACT. etc.) have never been incorporated into the codes, and thus they have never been used in the irrigation scheme.
Instead, the table values of these variables in run/MPTABLE.TBL are read and used when running irrigation. The basic flowchart is:
(1) In phys/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F:
if (iopt_irr >= 1) call read_mp_irrigation_parameters()
(2) in phys/module_sf_noahmplsm.F, find the folloiwng piece of code is activated to read MPTABLE.TBL:
inquire( file='MPTABLE.TBL', exist=file_named)
if ( file_named ) then
open(15, file="MPTABLE.TBL", status='old', form='formatted', action='read', iostat=Kerr
open(15, status='old', form='formatted', action='read', iostat=ierr)
IRR_FRAC_TABLE = IRR_FRAC ! irrigation Fraction
IRR_HAR_TABLE = IRR_HAR ! number of days before harvest date to stop irrigation
IRR_LAI_TABLE = IRR_LAI ! Minimum lai to trigger irrigation
(3) The above data are later used in irrigation scheme
Recently, I have been studying the irrigation scheme of noahMP and found that IRFRACT, SIFRACT, MIFRACT, etc. are not generated by the geogrid.exe process, but by the real.exe process. After reviewing the module_sf_noahmpdrv.F and module_sf_noahmplsm.F, my understanding is that IRR_FRAC_TABLE = IRR_FRAC, IRR_HAR_TABLE = IRR_HAR, and IRR_LAI_TABLE = IRR_LAI et al fixed parameters in MPTABLE.TBL are used to determine whether irrigation is triggered, while variables generated by real.exe such as IRFRACT, SIFRACT, MIFRACT, etc. determine the amount of water for irrigation.
Even if I misunderstand module_sf_noahmpdrv.F and module_sf_noahmplsm.F, if the variables such as IRFRACT, SIFRACT, MIFRACT, etc. are not used, why does the real.exe process generate these variables?
Hello, Yuan,
I'm trying to using the irrigiation too, I found that the IRFRACT was correctedly generated in the geo_em.d01, the FIFRACT (flood irrigation fraction, the opt_irrm = 3 in my namelist,meaning the flood irrigation scheme was chosen), the irrigation amount were all 0?
Did you encounter the similar problem? Any suggestions about the irrigation in Noahmp?
Hello, Yuan,
I'm trying to using the irrigiation too, I found that the IRFRACT was correctedly generated in the geo_em.d01, the FIFRACT (flood irrigation fraction, the opt_irrm = 3 in my namelist,meaning the flood irrigation scheme was chosen), the irrigation amount were all 0?
Did you encounter the similar problem? Any suggestions about the irrigation in Noahmp?
View attachment 10242View attachment 10243
Hello, Yuan,
I'm trying to using the irrigiation too, I found that the IRFRACT was correctedly generated in the geo_em.d01, the FIFRACT (flood irrigation fraction, the opt_irrm = 3 in my namelist,meaning the flood irrigation scheme was chosen), the irrigation amount were all 0?
Did you encounter the similar problem? Any suggestions about the irrigation in Noahmp?
View attachment 10242View attachment 10243
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When you modify your WPS/GEOGRID.TBL aobut IRFRACT, add the following:
masked = water
fill_missing = 0.

and then re-run geogrid.exe ,you will get :
float IRFRACT(Time, south_north, west_east) ;
IRFRACT:FieldType = 104 ;
IRFRACT:MemoryOrder = "XY " ;
IRFRACT:units = "fraction" ;
IRFRACT:description = "Irrigation area fraction" ;
IRFRACT:stagger = "M" ;
IRFRACT:sr_x = 1 ;
IRFRACT:sr_y = 1 ;
When you modify your WPS/GEOGRID.TBL aobut IRFRACT, add the following:
masked = water
fill_missing = 0.

and then re-run geogrid.exe ,you will get :
float IRFRACT(Time, south_north, west_east) ;
IRFRACT:FieldType = 104 ;
IRFRACT:MemoryOrder = "XY " ;
IRFRACT:units = "fraction" ;
IRFRACT:description = "Irrigation area fraction" ;
IRFRACT:stagger = "M" ;
IRFRACT:sr_x = 1 ;
IRFRACT:sr_y = 1 ;
Thank you very much!!!
When you modify your WPS/GEOGRID.TBL aobut IRFRACT, add the following:
masked = water
fill_missing = 0.

and then re-run geogrid.exe ,you will get :
float IRFRACT(Time, south_north, west_east) ;
IRFRACT:FieldType = 104 ;
IRFRACT:MemoryOrder = "XY " ;
IRFRACT:units = "fraction" ;
IRFRACT:description = "Irrigation area fraction" ;
IRFRACT:stagger = "M" ;
IRFRACT:sr_x = 1 ;
IRFRACT:sr_y = 1 ;
Hi haiqingsong:

I've noticed there are several irrigation parameters in
such as the IRRIGATION (irrigated land percentage); IRFRACT (irrigation area fraction); FIFRACT (flood irrigation fraction), SIFRACT (sprinkler irrigation fraction), MIFRACT (micro irrigation fraction)

can you helpe me to explain the relationshp and differences of these irrigation parameters?
and how these parameters influence the irrigation?

Looking forward to your reply.