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WRF4.3 compile problem not setting parallel make

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I got this error when compiling V4.3 but it works with V4.2.
Could you help me solve this?

./compile em_real
git commit 2adcfda001127819baa2831697047ec1efe5319d

Compiling: WRF_EM_CORE

Linux pfe20 3.10.0-1160.59.1.1chaos.ch6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 23 10:11:21 PST 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version Build 20191121
Copyright (C) 1985-2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

not setting parallel make
make: *** /: Is a directory. Stop.



  • configure.wrf
    23.3 KB · Views: 12
Do you have a directory named "make?" If so, you can try to name it something else since 'make' is a command that wrf model expects. If that doesn't help, can you try recompiling with the following criteria?

1) ./clean -a
2) export J="-j 1"
(or if using csh, issue setenv J "-j 1")
3) ./compile em_real >& log.compile

and then send me the new configure.wrf and log.compile file. Thanks!
Thank you for the quick reply!
I don't have a directory named "make".
I tried your suggestion but it still reports this error.


  • log.compile
    688 bytes · Views: 10
  • configure.wrf
    23.3 KB · Views: 6
Thanks for trying that. I notice at the top of your compile log, it states the commit is:
git commit f10d917d5c98473ea9b33e59f3ee29813454bd01
However, the commit for the top of the WRFV4.3.3 release branch should be:
git commit f10d917d5c98473ea9b33e59f3ee29813454bd01
I'm not sure if this could have an effect on this, but can you clone the code again, making sure to use the master branch. You can check the commit by (from the top-level WRF directory), issuing "git log" to see the top of the commit log.

A couple other things to try, if that doesn't help:
1) I notice you're doing a chemistry compile, can you try a basic WRF compile, without WRF-Chem?
2) You mentioned this isn't a problem with V4.2. Have you recently recompiled V4.2, since coming across this issue for V4.3? If you compiled V4.2 a while ago, some environment settings may have changed. If you haven't recompile V4.2 recently, can you try that again to see if you're still able to compile, or if you see the same issue?
I was on the branch release-v4.3.3. I tried the master branch, but the result is the same.
I can still compile V4.2 now.
I have no idea why it has this issue for V4.3 :(

By the way, I have those warnings. Does they matter?

************************** W A R N I N G ************************************

There are some IEEE Fortran 2003 features in WRF that your compiler does not
recognize. The IEEE function calls have been removed.


************************** W A R N I N G ************************************

There are some Fortran 2003 features in WRF that your compiler does not recognize
The routines that utilize ISO_C support have been stubbed out.
That may not be enough.


************************** W A R N I N G ************************************

There are some Fortran 2003 features in WRF that your compiler does not recognize
The standard FLUSH routine has been stubbed out.
That may not be enough.


************************** W A R N I N G ************************************

There are some Fortran 2008 features in WRF that your compiler does not recognize
The intrinsic gamma function is not available, required by some schemes.
That code is stubbbed out, and those schemes are unavailable at run-time.

standard location of RPC
Can you let me know which version of gfortran and gcc you have installed? You can issue the following:
gfortran --version
gcc --version

Can you also let me know, when you're on the master branch, what it says at the top of the git log? I just want to make sure the master IS actually the v4.3.3-released code.
git log

And one last question: You didn't happen to make any modifications to the WRF code, correct?
