I use the same ERA5 data to run wrf4.5.1 and wrf4.2.2, with the same namelist.input, same machine and computing resources (nodes=2, ppn=20).
dx = dy = 30000, time_step = 90, e_we = 180,e_ns = 100.
wrf4.5.1 takes 50min to run 1day, while wrf4.2.2 takes only 6min.
What makes the difference?
If wrf4.5.1 takes such long time, it would not be suitable for any optimization research.
dx = dy = 30000, time_step = 90, e_we = 180,e_ns = 100.
wrf4.5.1 takes 50min to run 1day, while wrf4.2.2 takes only 6min.
What makes the difference?
If wrf4.5.1 takes such long time, it would not be suitable for any optimization research.