1) I assume, but just want to verify that you have used this utility with older GFS data, without any problems? Yes
2) I also assume, but must verify, that when you say the 'GFS real data' you mean wrfout* files that were generated using input data from the newer GFS? Yes
3) Can you attach your namelist.vinterp file, as well as the full output log file?
path_to_input = '/home/viliam/Build_WRF/WRF_INTERP/'
path_to_output = '/home/viliam/Build_WRF/WRF_INTERP/'
root_name = 'wrfout'
grid_id = 1
start_date = '2019-07-31_12'
leap_year = .TRUE.
debug = .FALSE.
interp_levels = 1000.,975.,950.,925.,
extrapolate = 1
unstagger_grid = .TRUE.
vert_coordinate = 'pres'