Hi all!
Look at my attached file! It is zoomed in around Sc-clouds.
It depicts temperature and dew point from 4 different sources:
Black: Sounding 00z 20180219
Blue: IFS analysis 00z 20180219
Green : Wrfinput_d01 00z after I have lowered T to Td in 3 levels to get saturated values in clouds. I am trying to initialize clouds from ECMWF and reality into WRF and if I don't lower the temperature, the cloud water immediately disappears.I am calculating the dew point myself from Relative humidity and Saturation water vapor pressure in the wrfinput_d01 nc-file and after that a Python script does the operation for me.
Red: Wrfout for 00z. Fore some reason the temperature here has become lower than the dew point at the 3 levels I have altered....?
At all other levels, the red and green curves are identical both for dew point and temperature... Why is this?
Does anyone have any idea why? It is happening in wrf.exe, but we have not stepped forward in time yet...
Thankful for help!

Look at my attached file! It is zoomed in around Sc-clouds.
It depicts temperature and dew point from 4 different sources:
Black: Sounding 00z 20180219
Blue: IFS analysis 00z 20180219
Green : Wrfinput_d01 00z after I have lowered T to Td in 3 levels to get saturated values in clouds. I am trying to initialize clouds from ECMWF and reality into WRF and if I don't lower the temperature, the cloud water immediately disappears.I am calculating the dew point myself from Relative humidity and Saturation water vapor pressure in the wrfinput_d01 nc-file and after that a Python script does the operation for me.
Red: Wrfout for 00z. Fore some reason the temperature here has become lower than the dew point at the 3 levels I have altered....?
At all other levels, the red and green curves are identical both for dew point and temperature... Why is this?
Does anyone have any idea why? It is happening in wrf.exe, but we have not stepped forward in time yet...
Thankful for help!