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wrfrst output directory

There isn't an option coded for the wrfrst files, but there is for the wrfout (history) files. If you're capable, you can try to add some code to include the same for the wrfrst* files. You'll need to modify a few different files, such as

There could be a few more. Just check for "history_outname," which is the namelist option for outputting history files elsewhere, and use the coding for that parameter as a template for doing it for restart files. Let us know if you're successful!
I just stumbled across a registry namelist option called "rst_outname," so it DOES seem there is already an option to do this. I believe you just need to add (to the &time_control section of the namelist):
rst_outname = "<path-where-you-want-output>/wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>"

and make sure to keep the syntax exactly as is stated above for the restart file name. The model expects those characters and will create the names appropriately, depending on which domain and date/time it's processing.

Apologies for leading you astray. I was searching for something titled "restart" instead of "rst."

I reply to add an observation.
I tried using the option "rst_outname" and "rst_inname" and wasn't able to restart the simulation.
I finally understood that whereas "rst_outname" works perfectly, "rst_inname" seems not to work.
The restart run worked only if the restart file is in the working directory (with rst_inname having the default value).

I tried using the option "rst_outname" and "rst_inname" and wasn't able to restart the simulation.
I finally understood that whereas "rst_outname" works perfectly, "rst_inname" seems not to work.
The restart run worked only if the restart file is in the working directory (with rst_inname having the default value).
Right - only rst_outname is a recognized variable.