New member
Dear all,
since the passage to WRFV4.0.1 (from WRF3.9.1), I noticed some problems regarding the crash of the run with particular boundary layers schemes.
In particular, I found that, using the Yonsei University Scheme PBL option, and MYNN2(3) options, the model run has a tendency to crash after few hours of simulation, due to a violation of the vertical cfl conditions in some points with a complex orography (and always in the first two or three levels from ground). I have no problems with other boundary layer schemes, like Mellor-Yamada-Janjic, or QNSE PBLs.
The simulation I'm running a is centered over Italy, 4km horizontal resolution, 37 vertical levels, adaptive time step. I also tried to decrease the target cfl and target hcfl conditions to extremely small values, but the problem remains. The deactivation of the hybrid vertical coordinate does not produce any change.
The namelist is quite the same of the template namelist of WRFV4, except some small changes in the domain and in the physics option:
mp_physics = 5,
cu_physics = 1,
ra_lw_physics = 1,
ra_sw_physics = 1,
bl_pbl_physics = 1,
sf_sfclay_physics = 1,
sf_surface_physics = 1,
radt = 5,
bldt = 0,
cudt = 5,
The same configuration, with WRFV3.9.1 model, does not crash, and I have no problems even using very high target cfl values.
Do you have any advice about the origin of the problem? Perhaps some bugs in the WRFV4 code when using YSU and MYNN boundary layers?
Thanks for the help
Enrico Maggioni
since the passage to WRFV4.0.1 (from WRF3.9.1), I noticed some problems regarding the crash of the run with particular boundary layers schemes.
In particular, I found that, using the Yonsei University Scheme PBL option, and MYNN2(3) options, the model run has a tendency to crash after few hours of simulation, due to a violation of the vertical cfl conditions in some points with a complex orography (and always in the first two or three levels from ground). I have no problems with other boundary layer schemes, like Mellor-Yamada-Janjic, or QNSE PBLs.
The simulation I'm running a is centered over Italy, 4km horizontal resolution, 37 vertical levels, adaptive time step. I also tried to decrease the target cfl and target hcfl conditions to extremely small values, but the problem remains. The deactivation of the hybrid vertical coordinate does not produce any change.
The namelist is quite the same of the template namelist of WRFV4, except some small changes in the domain and in the physics option:
mp_physics = 5,
cu_physics = 1,
ra_lw_physics = 1,
ra_sw_physics = 1,
bl_pbl_physics = 1,
sf_sfclay_physics = 1,
sf_surface_physics = 1,
radt = 5,
bldt = 0,
cudt = 5,
The same configuration, with WRFV3.9.1 model, does not crash, and I have no problems even using very high target cfl values.
Do you have any advice about the origin of the problem? Perhaps some bugs in the WRFV4 code when using YSU and MYNN boundary layers?
Thanks for the help
Enrico Maggioni