Dear Ming Chen,
Thank you for your support and willingness to help me!
I believe I was able to overcome the majority of the problems - I found out the proper way to load some of the needed modules and now I do not see the "catastrophic" error messages that "mpi.h" was not found.
However, I am still unable to compile WRF and create an executable. I think that the new error messages are still related to mpi but this time looking for something else. I am attaching here two files: the configure.wrf and the log file with the error messages when trying to compile em_real. At the bottom of this message is my .bashrc file. It is here just to show you how I am loading the modules and how I am specifying some environmental variables.
Please, take a look at all of these files and let me know what you think I am still missing, in terms of libraries, properly defining paths and setting up environmental variables.
I really appreciate all your help!!!
Best regards,
bash-3.2$ more .bashrc
# -*- shell-script -*-
# TACC startup script: ~/.bashrc version 2.1 -- 12/17/2013
# This file is NOT automatically sourced for login shells.
# Your ~/.profile can and should "source" this file.
# Note neither ~/.profile nor ~/.bashrc are sourced automatically by
# bash scripts. However, a script inherits the environment variables
# from its parent shell. Both of these facts are standard bash
# behavior.
# In a parallel mpi job, this file (~/.bashrc) is sourced on every
# node so it is important that actions here not tax the file system.
# Each nodes' environment during an MPI job has ENVIRONMENT set to
# "BATCH" and the prompt variable PS1 empty.
# Optional Startup Script tracking. Normally DBG_ECHO does nothing
if [ -n "$SHELL_STARTUP_DEBUG" ]; then
DBG_ECHO "${DBG_INDENT}~/.bashrc{"
# There are three independent and safe ways to modify the standard
# module setup. Below are three ways from the simplest to hardest.
# a) Use "module save" (see "module help" for details).
# b) Place module commands in ~/.modules
# c) Place module commands in this file inside the if block below.# Note that you should only do one of the above. You do not want
# to override the inherited module environment by having module
# commands outside of the if block[3].
if [ -z "$__BASHRC_SOURCED__" -a "$ENVIRONMENT" != BATCH ]; then
export __BASHRC_SOURCED__=1
# module load git
#module purge
module load TACC
module load gcc/6.3.0
module load gcc/7.1.0
module load intel/17.0.4
module load intel/18.0.0
module load intel/18.0.2
# module load parallel-netcdf/
module load netcdf/
module load impi/18.0.2
# Please set or modify any environment variables inside the if block
# below. For example, modifying PATH or other path like variables
# (e.g LD_LIBRARY_PATH), the guard variable (__PERSONAL_PATH___)
# prevents your PATH from having duplicate directories on sub-shells.
if [ -z "$__PERSONAL_PATH__" ]; then
export __PERSONAL_PATH__=1
# **** PLACE Environment Variables including PATH here. ****
# export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
# Controling the prompt: Suppose you want stampede1(14)$ instead of
# login1.stampede(14)$
#if [ -n "$PS1" ]; then
# myhost=$(hostname -f) # get the full hostname
# myhost=${} # remove
# first=${myhost%%.*} # get the 1st name (e.g. login1)
# SYSHOST=${myhost#*.} # get the 2nd name (e.g. stampede)
# first5=$(expr substr $first 1 5) # get first 5 character from $first
# if [ "$first5" = "login" ]; then
# num=$(expr $first : '[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)') # get the number
# HOST=${SYSHOST}$num # HOST -> stampede1
# else
# # first is not login1 so take first letter of system name
# L=$(expr substr $SYSHOST 1 1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
# # If host is c521-101.stampeded then
# HOST=$L$first # HOST -> Sc521-101
# fi
# PS1='$HOST(\#)\$ ' # Prompt either stampede1(14)$ or Sc521-101(14)$
# **** Place any else below. ****
# alias m="more"
# alias bls='/bin/ls' # handy alias for listing a large directory.
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias mv='mv -i'
# Umask
# If you are in a group that wishes to share files you can use
# "umask". to make your files be group readable. Placing umask here
# is the only reliable place for bash and will insure that it is set
# in all types of bash shells.
# umask 022
# Optional Startup Script tracking
if [ -n "$SHELL_STARTUP_DEBUG" ]; then