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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. M

    Segmentation fault occurred in obsgrid.exe

    Dear all, I'm Mimi. Thank you so much for always helping me..!! Now I'm currently working with WRF FIRE and aim to apply observation nudging with AWS data. I'm still getting familiar with converting data into little_r format, so I’m practicing with NCAR observation data in little_r as a first...
  2. H

    When processing the observation file with obsgrid, the wind direction data does not work?

    Dear staff, hi. When I use obsgrid to process the little_R format observation data that I generated myself(my data only contains wind speed and wind direction data as well as the height at which the data is located.) After attempting to use obsgrid and examining the generated OBSDOMAIN101 file...
  3. S

    OBSGRID output. Is this correct? What "observations successfully ingested" means?

    Hello, so ive run the obsgrid.exe ofr the first time and get the message on the obsgrid.out : Time Loop Processing, date = 2024-09-07_06:00:00 Using ./OBS_DOMAINd01:2024-09-07_06 as obs input file Number of observations successfully ingested: 1. Number of empty observations discarded: 0...
  4. S

    OBSGRID output. Is this correct?

    Hello, so ive run the obsgrid.exe ofr the first time and get the message on the obsgrid.out : Time Loop Processing, date = 2024-09-07_06:00:00 Using ./OBS_DOMAINd01:2024-09-07_06 as obs input file Number of observations successfully ingested: 1. Number of empty observations...
  5. S

    Error compilation OBSGRID

    Hello guys. I need some help, Im trying to compile and run OBSGRID, but i cant pass from the ./compile I get some erros and doesnot creat the obsgrid.exe file. Does someone knows how can i solve it? here the output file for the ./compile On ./configure Im using the second one: gfortran and...
  6. P

    Help with Obs Nudging problem

    Hello! l try to use obs-nudging with WRF run. l use both upper air and surface data in little-r format from website ( ( Meteorological data used in WPS are ERA5 data at 3h time intervals.It successfully generated...
  7. P

    Have a question about running ./get_rda_data.exe when using OBSGRID,

    Hello! When using OBSGRID, I have a question regarding running ./get_rda_data.exe. After downloading the upper-air and surface observation data (ds351.0 and ds461.0), I merged all files using the command cat *OBS:2023* > rda_obs. The upper-air data files are named OBS:YYYYMMDDHH, while the...
  8. P

    Some questions about OBSGRID

    Hello! I would like to ask some questions about OBSGRID. Question 1: According to the official user guide I've read, it says that the observation data has a time interval of 6 hours and after downloading, it needs to be split into 3-hour intervals using get_rda_data.exe. Is this a necessary...
  9. B

    Script to convert Wind Turbine SCADA data to OBSDOMAIN

    I am trying to implement the observation data of Wind turbine SCADA (Sample File attached SCADADATA.txt) to WRF model simulation as instructed in ObsNudgingGuide.pdf file. I am searching script to convert the wind turbine SCADA data contains wind speed and wind direction (we don't have...
  10. A

    OBSGRID.exe fails after a few seconds

    Hello! I am using obsgrid.exe to combine my WPS output (i.e., met_em*.nc files) with observation datasets of ds046.1 and ds035.1. My research domain covers entire China, with a spatial resolution of 27km. I want to improve the accuracy of meteorological parameters, so I tried to use the...
  11. M

    Error, forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred while running OBSGRID

    Dear Users, I am running WRF ARW using GFS input data. While running obsgrid.exe I am getting this error; forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred Note; I tried to run same simulation using only surface data without the sounding data and it worked I am attaching my namelist...
  12. H

    OBSGRID run errors

    Hi, I was running OBSGRID for a period of 1 year. The time interval is 6 hours, and i encountered error as follows: It seems that the program allows only 1000 time periods. Is there any option to change this restriction or I have to run obsgrid with intervals? If so, could wrfsdda files be...
  13. M

    increase the levels of the intermediate file of ungrib (modify press_pa)

    Hello, Is there any possibility to interpolate the intermediate file of ungrib to have more level in the first Km above the ground ? For example instead of having by default : press_pa = 201300, 200100, 100000, 95000, 90000, 85000, 80000, 75000, 70000, 65000, 60000, 55000, 50000, 45000, 40000...
  14. M

    Obsgrid ; only taking into consideration surface data

    Hello, I'm trying to run obsgrid in order to take into consideration observations data in the first 500m above the ground. The observations data that i'm using are profiles data of temperature, pressure, humidity and wind every 1m. I already succeeded to convert the data into litlle_r format...
  15. H

    Fail obsgrid compilation

    Hello, I am trying to compile obsgrid.exe, on macOS with gfortran however my compilation is not successful. If you could help me I would greatly appreciate it.Attached log.compile. I already tried adding the following commands before running ./compile, but it does not work. sed -i 's/-C -P...
  16. D

    (RESOLVED) Unstable to install obsgrid on ubuntu 22.04

    So I am getting the following error Error: Rank mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) (scalar and rank-1) cd $HOME/WRFCHEM/ git clone cd $HOME/WRFCHEM/OBSGRID ./clean -a source $Miniconda_Install_DIR/etc/profile.d/