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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. R

    convert_mpas - questions about missing data in ncview plots

    Hello. Managed to run MPAS finally, and now converting to lat/lon (using convert_mpas ) the history and diagnostic file output to visualize with ncview, but I'm getting some zones without any data. Centro-RM was run with the 3km static mesh as a base; Sinoptico-15km used the 15km static mesh...
  2. M

    cldfrac_tot_UPP is zero at the first time step

    Hi, I am using a regional MPAS domain with 3 km resolution for NWP. I am using the variable cldfrac_tot_UPP to obtain the total cloud cover in percent. However, I noticed that this variable is zero at all grid points at the very first time step. Before I go into more details about how to...
  3. Z

    Please help! WRF-python MYNN TKE budget extraction

    Dear Users, I hope you're doing well. I am using the em_real configuration with the MYNN in WRF. In my namelist.input, I have set the following: bl_mynn_tkebudget = 1, 1, 1, ! Export components of TKE budget bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false., .false., .false., ! Disable TKE advection in the MYNN...
  4. Z

    Please help!! WRF-python data extraction at specific lat and lon position

    Dear users, I hope this message finds you well. I am trying to use wrf-python to extract the wind speed and direction for a specific pair of latitude and longitude position. I have found this wrf-python function: wrf.g_uvmet.get_uvmet10_wspd_wdir(wrfin, timeidx=0, method='cat', squeeze=True...
  5. A

    How to calculate precipitation rate (mm/hr) from WRF model output variable?

    Dear all, I want to calculate the precipitation rate (mm/hr) from the WRF model output and validate it with hourly satellite observations (e.g., GPM-IMERG). After searching online, I learned from this conversation (Calculate precipitation from WRF model output) that I need to just add 'RAINC'...
  6. O

    Initial Conditions / SkewT

    Hi everyone, Does anyone has an idea of how to extract temperature data from a skewT plot. I have tried different options from Python to hand tracing the data but has not been successful. I am interested in extracting the sounding file from this paper"Explicit Forecasts of Winter Precipitation...
  7. X

    GRIBFILE.AAC is recognized as an audio file

    After processing in Vtable, all suffixes are. The files of AAC are recognized as audio files and cannot be processed when running unglib.exe. ERROR: hdate=2023-01-1600:00:00.0000,fuldates=2023-01-15 18:00:00.0000 2023-01-1600:00:00.0000,Field= PMSL May I ask how to solve it? Thank you very...
  8. C

    How to obtain winds to 2m agl?

    Hello everyone! I need to interpolate the wind WRF outputs to 2 m agl. Is it possible? If so, how could I do it? In my model, the lowest level is at ~25 m agl and I have the wind at 10 m agl. I would appreciate your help. Thank you!
  9. X

    Do I need to perform datum transformation with wrfout

    Hi all, I want to quantify precipitation in a watershed with shapefile using WRF output. The coordinate system of my shapefile is WGS84(with lat and lon, no projection). I learned that WRF uses perfect sphere(+a=6370000.0,+b=6370000.0), WGS 84 uses a datum(+a=6378137.000,+b=6356752.314). My...
  10. S

    Regridding / Convert Lambert projection of WRF outputs to Lat-lon projection + MASKING according to Shape file

    Hi, I have run the WRF simulation using Lambert projection. For verification, I have to convert the projection to lat-lon projection and have to mask it according to my shape file for ease of comparison. For this, I have used the rcm2rgrid function in NCL. where I can convert my grid, but...
  11. S

    Convert Lambert to lat-lon projection and masking it for a given region in the domain using functions in NCL website.

    Hi I am trying to convert a wrfout file which has a lambert projection to the lat-lon projection (which I trust is equidistant cylindrical also) and mask the output on the basis of the shape files I have. The problem I see it that using the code...
  12. E

    WRF-python post-processing wind speed issues

    Recently, I used uvmet from WRF-Python to extract the U and V components of wind velocity. However, when I extracted the composite wind speed from uvmet_wspd_wdir, I found that the wind speed calculated using the U and V components differed significantly from the directly extracted wspd values...
  13. J

    Interpolating WRF data (on structured grid) to observation location (latitude/longitude point)

    Hey there, I'm trying to figure out what the best Python function would be (from wrf, SciPy, etc.) to interpolate gridded WRF output data to a specific observation location at a latitude/longitude point, across various vertical levels. I know that some NCL functions are supposed to handle this...
  14. L

    Calculate the total cloud fraction using the CDLFRA variable

    hello. I am working with regional wrf-arw outputs. And I would like to obtain the total clouds (cloud fraction) from the variable CDLFRA. CDLFRA is a 3-dimensional variable. I don't want to just show the maximum value of the vertical at each grid point. I have already checked several...
  15. L

    Is there any processor to convert WRF outputs to .sam (SAMSON) and .ua (TD-6201) formats?

    Hello everyone, I would like to convert WRF outputs into input files for AERMET, and I have seen that one option is to have the mentioned formats above. Another option is through mmif; however, I have observed that mmif does not provide the .sam and .ua formats (although it does offer other...
  16. A

    Way(s) to illustrate a diagnostic 2D map over the unstructured grid - Python

    I am a new MPAS user an I apologize in advance if the question/description is not clear or if it doesn't make any sense at all. I want to work with the original unstructured arrays and am trying to find a way to illustrate a 2D map with python. I am loading a history file and I can construct...
  17. F

    Relative vorticity as WRF output

    Hi, everyone First of all I hope that you are well, continuing with the post I want to ask if there is a way to obtain the relative vorticity as output in the netcdf file from WRF, I have read that the only one that is obtainable is the absolute vorticity. I have been using these formula to...
  18. M

    Gust speed lower than mean wind speed in NMM output

    Hi all, I found that in the output of the NAM models by NCEP the gust speed is often significantly lower than the mean wind speed. NAM uses the WRF-NMM dynamical core. In terms of the grib output, I found GUSTS < sqrt(UGRD**2 + VGRD**2) I did not yet check if this is also the case for HRRR...
  19. ashish__shaji

    Warning while using ARWpost

    While using ARWpost for post-processing, the system produced a warning which is rather new for me. START PROCESSING DATA Interpolating to PRESSURE levels Processing time --- 2022-08-12_00:00:00 Found the right date - continue WARNING: The following requested fields could not be...
  20. S

    CRSIM simulator

    I am trying to use the CRSIM to simulate c-band and w-band radar values from my model output. When I run the test cases, they seem to work, but I soon as I try with one of my files, I get the following error At line 170 of file ReadConfParameters.f90 Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in...