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Compiling Error When Setting Tracer Plume

Hi Zhipeng,
The errors you're getting, such as

 1498 |   CALL ext_ncd_open_for_read_begin( DatasetName, Comm1, Comm2, SysDepInfo, DataHandle, Status )
      |                                    1
Error: Dummy argument ‘datasetname’ with INTENT(IN) in variable definition context (actual argument to INTENT = OUT/INOUT) at (1)
are fortran code errors. This means that you've not modified the files correctly, per fortran requirements. You may be able to figure out the issue by doing a web search for the general error you're seeing.

You may also find this post somewhat useful - at least you can see how their files were modified to see if there is anything you may have overlooked.

If not, let me know which files you are modifying, and attach those files so I can see the changes you've made.
Thanks for your help. I've successfully compiled em_real and em_les. However, there is still errors in running wrf.exe for idealied case.
Thanks for updating! I see you've opened a new thread regarding the errors when running. Thanks for doing that!