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Create 12 category soil types


New member
Hi all:
I am using bnu soildata to create 12 soil types based on USDA soil texture triangle.After create the tif ,binary and index file.
But when i run geogrid.exe,it has error.Whem my category_max of index is 16 (because the WRF soiltype all seem to be 16 ),the error is "WARNING: In source tile /public/home/fdu_qiusy/qiusy/DATA/WPS_GEOG/12_bnu_soiltype_bot/00001-11480.00001-08715, point (3032, 5158) has an invalid category of 0",many of it.
And them,i set category_max of index to be 12.the error is"ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field"
Inaddtion i also ues python code to plot the binary file ,it's ok.The zip file show the png,binary,index file.
Would you give me some suggestions for the question?Thank you!


    1.7 MB · Views: 2
Apologies for the long delay in response to this inquiry. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, can you also attach the following files?
- namelist.wps
- geogrid.log that shows the error (or both errors)
- GEOGRID.TBL file you're using
Apologies for the long delay in response to this inquiry. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, can you also attach the following files?
- namelist.wps
- geogrid.log that shows the error (or both errors)
- GEOGRID.TBL file you're using
Thank your response!I have solved the problem.I used the defuat soiltype(bnu_soiltype) in the WPS which meets my need.