Scheduled Downtime
On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. W

    How WPS calculate the subgrid orography that is used by orographic gravity wave parameterization

    Dear WRF&MPAS experts, I am currently investigating the difference between the gracity wave drag resolved by the WRF and that obtained from a parameterization scheme. To achieve this, I need to run an idealized gravity wave simulation and calculate the corresponding parameterized results. I...
  2. S

    Problems with LU_INDEX variable in nested domain

    Hello, I want to perform a real case simulation in which I have one nested domain. The namelist.wps and the GEOGRID.TBL I used are in the zip folder attached here (GEOGRID.TBL is the default one). Geogrid program successfully completes and parent domain looks fine, but when I check the...
  3. J

    Using daily surface data with 6-hour UPA -- how to configure?

    Hello, I am trying to drive WRF with EC-Earth output which contains upper air variables(ta,ua,va,spechum) along with a few surface ones (psfc, ps) at 6-hour frequency. Both the soil and surface data is only available at daily resolution (T2,U10,V10,PSML,ST,SM). Per my understanding of WRF, it...
  4. B

    When running metgrid.exe, all but one met_em.d* files are good. Why does the first one (d01, t=0) return an HDF error.

    Hi, In running WPS, metgrid.exe runs start to finish. However, a single met_em.d* file, (starting time step), returns an HDF error on ncdump. The met_em files for d02 and d03 of the same time step are fine, as well as later time steps of d01. I'm wondering what...
  5. A

    Ungrib.exe SST data error

    Hi. I have this error when running ungrib.exe for SST data. I understand that it says that the start time has to be before the end time, which is obvius, but SST has only one time. So, the start time and the end time will be the same. I don't know what to do. Thanks for the future answers.
  6. M

    Converting Geotiff Based Land Use Data into WRF Available One

    Hi! I am confusing with the land use category mapping with the Geotiff data from jaxa. My original Geotiff data is from here. (Coordinate system and category numbers are listed in this page. Notice the category order is not followed...
  7. Y

    Different num_metgrid_levels by different WPS version (3.9 and 4.0)

    Hello. I'm using NCEP FNL (NCAR RDA Dataset d083002) as the input for WPS. I tried two versions of WPS: 3.9 and 4.0 with the same namelist.wps. With version 3.9, after running WPS, I got num_metgrid_levels=42, while with version 4.0, I got num_metgrid_levels=34. I'd like to inquire what updates...
  8. B

    Running `ungrib` on complete ERA5 global atmospheric reanalysis sigma levels

    Hi everyone, I’m working to initialize an MPAS run using initial conditions from the full ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Since my simulations target much higher altitudes (>100 mb), I’m using the 137 model levels rather than the standard 37 pressure levels to achieve higher resolution in these upper...
  9. H

    How can WPS use GFS soil data to supplement ECMWF oper data?

    Hi , I have read the WPS documentation and found that the field constant_name I'm not sure how to set it or is it possible to execute ungrib.exe 2 times after eliminating the meteorological data from the gfs and only retaining the soil data?
  10. W

    Weird behavior in WPS when using polar stereographic projection

    Dear Sir or Madam, I'm running WRF in year 2023, and trying to update land use data with MODIS/061/MCD12Q1. I'm using polar stereographic projection, my namelist.wps is shown below. I have changed my GEOGRID.TBL, and cci2023 refers to the modis data. ``` &share wrf_core = 'ARW', max_dom = 1...
  11. H

    When processing the observation file with obsgrid, the wind direction data does not work?

    Dear staff, hi. When I use obsgrid to process the little_R format observation data that I generated myself(my data only contains wind speed and wind direction data as well as the height at which the data is located.) After attempting to use obsgrid and examining the generated OBSDOMAIN101 file...
  12. S

    Running WRF using GEFS, error in ungrib

    Hello. I am trying to run a model using GEFS as input data for WRF. GEFS has gec00 (control forecast), gep01 ~ gep20 (ensemble member forecast), geavg (ensemble average) data, and I want to use geavg, which has an ensemble average. Based on the post below, if I ungrib the gep01 data to...
  13. J

    ./ungrib.exe: ERROR: edition_num: unable to open GRIBFILE.AAA

    Hi, I am running ./ungrib.exe of WPSv3.9.1 (WRF Preprocessing System) in a NCAR Derecho HPC. It used to run fine previously without any errors within the same directory. All the required files are in the directory. I use era5 data from ‘/gpfs/csfs1/collections/rda/data/ds633.0/’ for surface and...
  14. S

    OBSGRID output. Is this correct? What "observations successfully ingested" means?

    Hello, so ive run the obsgrid.exe ofr the first time and get the message on the obsgrid.out : Time Loop Processing, date = 2024-09-07_06:00:00 Using ./OBS_DOMAINd01:2024-09-07_06 as obs input file Number of observations successfully ingested: 1. Number of empty observations discarded: 0...
  15. S

    ERA-5 land data ungrib issue

    Hi all, I'm having an issue with ungrib program while using the ERA-5 land data (ERA5-Land monthly averaged data from 1950 to present). I'm getting the following error message after running the ungrib program: *** Starting program ungrib.exe *** Start_date = 2017-03-01_00:00:00 ...
  16. S

    OBSGRID output. Is this correct?

    Hello, so ive run the obsgrid.exe ofr the first time and get the message on the obsgrid.out : Time Loop Processing, date = 2024-09-07_06:00:00 Using ./OBS_DOMAINd01:2024-09-07_06 as obs input file Number of observations successfully ingested: 1. Number of empty observations...
  17. M

    ERA5 data change to NetCDF4 from grib

    Hello, Just notice that era5 data is not the grib format anymore, may I ask for some help about dealing with nc file to grib so that would be processed by WPS? I am intending to use the data from 2017-08-24 to 2017-08-28. Or could I find these reanalysis data under the HPC Derecho ? Thank you...
  18. S

    ERA5 rda grib retirement?

    On the NCAR RDA page for hourly ERA5, this notice appeared: "2024-09-27. Important notice regarding RDA ERA5 GRIB files: Please note that DECS is in the process of completely phasing out whole file download, subsetting, and campaign storage access to RDA ERA5 GRIB files, with a planned end of...
  19. K

    Adding outer domain to pre-existing 2-domain configuration

    I am working on a project that is running multiple high-resolution (3 km) simulations of events spanning the entire 20-th and 21-st centuries. We have completed all but one of our events after 1940 (~25 events total) using ERA5 as our forcing dataset with a 9-3 km two-domain nesting setup. We...
  20. William.Hatheway

    How to use ERA5 Data From Copernicus Database

    **Guide to Using Copernicus ERA5 Data with WRF** Dear WRF Users, Many users encounter challenges when utilizing ERA5 data from the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) with WRF. To assist, I've put together a step-by-step guide on how to successfully download, process, and run ERA5 data within...