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On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest


  1. Y

    WPS compiling error

    I have compiled WRFV4.4 successfully. When I try to compile WPS, it has some error. That can not find cio.o and read_geogrid.o. I am not sure what happened. I use the gcc version is ( gcc (GCC) 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3)) and GNU Fortran (GCC) 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3). I have...
  2. W

    ECMWF open data 0p25 enfo grib2 Vtable?

    Hello, do you guys have a Vtable about this kind of data?
  3. S

    Problems in LU_INDEX in nested domain

    Hello! I'm running a simulation using a namelist provided during a wrf tutorial (attached below) which uses the NLCD dataset for static data. Everything seems to be ok for the first domain, while the second domain shows some problems with the LU_INDEX variable (see the image below). I noticed...
  4. A

    Issues with int2nc.exe

    I am trying to create my own intermediate files in Python using CESM2 Large Ensemble output and have run into some issues with the generated intermediate files. For example, I am writing surface U-winds as 10-m U winds (UU @ xlvl=200100) and then proceeding to write each isobaric level for UU...
  5. S

    WPS WRF simulation time period difference

    Hi, I would like to know if it is compulsory to keep the simulation time period between WPS and WRF same. Can I run WPS for certain time period range (say 01-Jan-2020_00 to 03-Jan-2020_00) and do different runs of WRF with different starting time (eg: Run-1: 01-Jan-2020_06 to 03-Jan-2020_00...
  6. C

    How to use new landuse data?

    Dear WRF-Experts My WRF Version is WPS-4.3.1 and WRF-4.3.3 I'm going to simulate WRF-UCM in South-Korea, So I made new landuse binary file for split LU_INDEX=1 to 31,32,33 I want to first apply landuse with my new data, and fill the nodata with usgs landuse data. So I modify namelist.wps and...
  7. A

    Add Ocean mixed layer thickness (OML DATA) in WRF simmulation

    i ve download from Copernicus Marine Service, Ocean mixed layer thickness and i want to add threm to WRF in namelist.input i've added the extra options sf_ocean_physics = 1, sftcflx = 1, oml_hml0 = 25 But hese values are fixed. How...
  8. T

    Using SRTM data to replace the default terrain data

    Hi all. I am using convert_geotiff to convert geotiff to binary fileThe command is "convert_geotiff -w 4 -t 1500 -u "meters MSL" -d "3s topography" -b 0 -m -32768 srtm_china.tif".After that ,i change the GEOGRID.TBL and namelist and run the geogrid.exe. The variable HGT_M and the index...
  9. S

    .p000 files when running metgrid.exe and real.exe not working after

    I am trying to run a WRF with a very large domain at 4 km. Running metgrid.exe on Derecho produced *.p000 files that I hadn't seen before. It appears that metgrid.exe runs correctly and auto-deletes the .p000 files. I then go to run real.exe, and I get the attached error before real.exe...
  10. N

    Problem with creating ungrib.exe

    Hi there, I was able to compile WRF-Chem successfully. When compiling WPS (v4.5), geogrid.exe and metgrid.exe are created, but failed to create ungrib.exe. These are the errors I receive: I selected serial mode with the same compiler I used to compile WRF-Chem. Please find configure.wps and...
  11. Y

    problem about ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.SST

    I tried to add the SST part in WRF, but I encountered the following error. I am using ERA5 data. How should I resolve this?
  12. S

    unloaded Vtable

    Hello I tried ungrib in WPS. As the picture shows, Vtable is unrecognized. What does the error "ERROR in Subroutine PARSE_TABLE" means? and How should I do next? Best regards.
  13. S

    Issues with converting SST nc data to grib

    Hi all, I'm in the process of updating SSTs in the WRF v3.8 model but I'm running into WPS issues when attempting to convert GLSEA SST data from netcdf to grib. I'm aware that there are similar posts on this forum however, after trying out a couple of different options, I am still running into...
  14. S

    Metgrid run with dmpar (parallel run)

    I am running WRF using WPS 4.4 version and would like to run metgrid using dmpar. As a result of searching through previous posts, I saw many people recommending serial because its performance is not bad. However, since we are trying to reduce the WRF execution time as much as possible, we are...
  15. J

    Is it recommended to use the same spatial resolution for all surface parameters?

    Dear users, The WRF model has 30 arc-seconds (~900 meters) as the higher spatial resolution by default. I read many papers where authors changed the topography (HGT) to a higher resolution (e.g. 90 meters). I also managed to change it. But now I have a question. The another surface parameters...
  16. D

    ERROR: Couldn't open file ./ for input. For command ./metgrid.exe

    Dear users, I am getting an error when trying to execute ./metgrid.exe. The error is ERROR: Couldn't open file ./ for input. Version Details : WPS-4.5 WRF-4.5.2 Input data : ds083.2 List of attachments: namelist.wps Vtable geogrid.log metgrid.log ungrib.log Please suggest...
  17. C

    Data from Global Forecast System Files

    Good day, Does anyone know where I can download historical Global Forecast System (GFS) files? I was downloading from this website before: Index of /data/global-forecast-system/access/grid-004-0.5-degree/forecast. But the historical data available is only a few months from today (23 April...
  18. D

    Replace soil category data

    您好,我想用 1km 分辨率数据替换 WRF 中的默认土壤类型数据。我使用命令 gdal_translate -of ENVI -co INTERLEAVE=BSQ texcls05_1km.tif texcls05_1km.b 生成账单文件。我还修改了索引和土格栅。TBL 文件。重新运行 ./geogrid.exe 后,输出 文件中的SCT_DOM全部丢失。 附上我的账单文件、索引文件、TBL 文件和姓名列表。WPS的。 谢谢!
  19. William.Hatheway

    Optional fields not processed by geogrid.

    I'm using noahmp and I have downloaded all the geography files located at this website: Static Data Downloads But I am getting this message when running geogrid: Parsed 67 entries in GEOGRID.TBL Processing domain 1 of 2 Processing XLAT and XLONG Processing MAPFAC Processing F and E...
  20. A

    Land-use categories

    Hello WRF community, I would like to make changes in the spatial distribution of land use in WRF. Instead of using MODIS, I will use an updated national product for Chile (LU-CL). For this purpose, I will modify the LU_INDEX variable. Obviously, I will use the same categories as MODIS...