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Create some tropical cyclone cases


New member
Dear friends, I want to create a series of TC landfall situations (do not have to think about the real cases), But the landing points need to be located in a certain district . Are there any good methods?
I hope you can give me some advice, I am very anxious to know the answer to this question . Looking forward to your reply!
Because I want to study some regional meteorological responses after TCs landfall and pay more attention to the mechanism of wrf completion, maybe I can create a series of TCs by adjusting the time error disturbance (or means spin-up in wrf) with operations in real cases? Is that right?
I don't think the ideal TC case in WRF can be applied. Instead, real-data cases should be conducted. To change the landfall locations, you must modify steering flows for individual TC cases. However, once the mode starts, steering flow is under strict constraints of WRF dynamics and physics. Adding artificial perturbations are not only technically difficult, but also may lead to model crash.

The best option could be to look at TCs in historical records and identify those that made landfall in the areas you are interested, then run retrospective simulations to explore the mechanisms.
I don't think the ideal TC case in WRF can be applied. Instead, real-data cases should be conducted. To change the landfall locations, you must modify steering flows for individual TC cases. However, once the mode starts, steering flow is under strict constraints of WRF dynamics and physics. Adding artificial perturbations are not only technically difficult, but also may lead to model crash.

The best option could be to look at TCs in historical records and identify those that made landfall in the areas you are interested, then run retrospective simulations to explore the mechanisms.
I am so happy to see your news, because I have been suffering from these problems for a long time.
My description of "mechanism of wrf completion" was not quite accurate. In fact, I would like to obtain some trends of meteorological factors (such as wind speed and precipitation) in the corresponding area after the TCs makes landfall. The amount of real cases is limited, So I want a large number of cases (the accuracy can be not too high). I was advised to use a real case with some modifications to the input data. In this way, for example, originally I put 0, 6, 12, 18 o'clock data in wrf. Now I change it to put data at 3, 9, 15, 21 o'clock, or I just put data at 6, 12, 18. Time errors disturbance are formed and different background fields are created, so that I achieve the goal of collecting universal laws. But I'm not so sure that's going to work, and I still want your advice. Finally, thank you again for your patience to me as a wrf beginner, and I am still looking forward to your reply again!