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Difference between LAI(ALBEDO) in WRF output and in WPS output


New member
Dear WRF Community,
I have a question on substitution of ALB/LAI in WRF V3.9 :
The amounts of LAI and ALBEDO in WRF output and that in WPS output are different, although I set sst_update=1 , usemonalb=true,rdlai2d = true and auxinput4_inname = 'wrflowinp_d<domain>' in namelist.input. .

Thanks in advance.
Some LSM variables including Albedo are adjusted once wrf.exe starts. This is why these variables are different between WPS output and WRF output. We recommend using the results in wrfout files because they are more physically reasonable
Some LSM variables including Albedo are adjusted once wrf.exe starts. This is why these variables are different between WPS output and WRF output. We recommend using the results in wrfout files because they are more physically reasonable
Thank you very much for your reply
I also have some questions are as follows:
I incorporated satellite observations in WRF to replace the WRF default land surface data.
(1) The amounts of ALBBCK in WRF output and ALBEDO in WPS output are similar, but the amounts of ALBEDO in WRF output and that in WPS output are different.
(2) I used the NoahMP LSM, but the upward shortwave and upward longwave are not built-in.
(3) Are the above problems due to LSM selected? if it is ,can you recommend a LSM for me?

Thanks in advance.
Please see my answers below:
(1) The amounts of ALBBCK in WRF output and ALBEDO in WPS output are similar, but the amounts of ALBEDO in WRF output and that in WPS output are different.

This is because NoahMP recalculates albedo, and the updated albedo is written to wrfout. ALBBCK is background albedo from WPS and remains unchanged. ALBEDO in WPS is derived from ALBBCK and doesn't go through any adjustment.

(2) I used the NoahMP LSM, but the upward shortwave and upward longwave are not built-in.

Please clarify this question. Are you looking at upward radiation fluxes or something else?

(3) Are the above problems due to LSM selected? if it is ,can you recommend a LSM for me?

Noah and NoahMP are two most commonly used LSM. The "problems" mentioned above are not bugs in the scheme.
(2) I used the NoahMP LSM, but the upward shortwave and upward longwave are not built-in.

Please clarify this question. Are you looking at upward radiation fluxes or something else?
my question : I used the NoahMP LSM in WRF simulation, but the variable of upward radiation fluxes (upward shortwave and upward longwave) are not built-in in WRF output .
SWDOWN and GLW are downward short- and long-wave fluxes, respectively. They are available of NoahMP.
(2)我使用了NoahMP LSM,但向上短波和向上长波没有内置。

嗨,我想问你一个问题:当您将 wrf 的默认表面数据替换为卫星观测数据时。您的卫星数据每天观测多少次?你如何处理卫星观测的时间?我的模式设置为6小时的间隔,但我每天只有一次卫星数据,我不知道如何解决这个问题。您好,我想问您一个问题:当您将 wrf 的默认表面数据替换为卫星观测数据时。您的卫星数据每天观测多少次?你如何处理卫星观测的时间?我的模式设置为6小时的间隔,但我每天只有一次卫星数据,我不知道如何解决这个问题。期待您的回复