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Domains not showing when using plotgrids_new.ncl


New member

I am having an error when trying to plot my WRF domains using plotgrids_new.ncl. When I run it, I get a blank map (attached) not showing the domains. I am currently using NCL version 6.6.2. What is weird is that I tried using this script on another computer which has NCL version 6.4.0 and it worked fine. Has anyone come across this issue?


  • wps_show_dom.pdf
    136.7 KB · Views: 9

I am having an error when trying to plot my WRF domains using plotgrids_new.ncl. When I run it, I get a blank map (attached) not showing the domains. I am currently using NCL version 6.6.2. What is weird is that I tried using this script on another computer which has NCL version 6.4.0 and it worked fine. Has anyone come across this issue?

Are you using ncl installed from conda?
I appreciate the post. However, would anyone happen to know a solution where I do not have to download NCL to my system again? Thanks.
I was actually having the same issue, and verified another WRF support team member was too. I contacted our systems administrators who determined the issue was related to an update to the XQuartz application (that allows the image to pop-up on the screen). They rolled my version back to a previous version [XQuartz 2.8.2 (xorg-server 1.20.14)], and after a restart of my system, it's working fine now. Could that be the case for you, as well?
No, I wasn't having any issues when using the .pdf output option. Can you attach your namelist.wps so I can test it on my end to see if I can get the plots?
I was actually having the same issue, and verified another WRF support team member was too. I contacted our systems administrators who determined the issue was related to an update to the XQuartz application (that allows the image to pop-up on the screen). They rolled my version back to a previous version [XQuartz 2.8.2 (xorg-server 1.20.14)], and after a restart of my system, it's working fine now. Could that be the case for you, as well?
one thing to know about ncl with conda is you don't want to update the conda env with this command:
conda update -n ncl_stable --all -y
seems to cause xquartz to update to the latest version which doesn't make the image show up
one thing to know about ncl with conda is you don't want to update the conda env with this command:
conda update -n ncl_stable --all -y
seems to cause xquartz to update to the latest version which doesn't make the image show up
ncl_stable is what I called my ncl environment
Thanks for sharing the namelist. I was able to create both an X11 and .pdf plot using your namelist. If you have a systems administrator you can talk to about this issue, I would suggest doing that, as there is clearly an issue with your specific environment. If you get it figured out, please post the solution here for anyone who may have a similar issue in the future. Thanks!

I know this is an old post, but I was running into the same issues and I figured I'd share my solution.

Ubuntu: use the anaconda version. I initially used sudo apt install ncl-ncarg, and I was getting plots that did not show the second domain. When I installed it using anaconda (Installing NCL with "conda") I was able to get a clear picture of my domains.

MacOS (Apple Silicon): The newest version of xQuartz (2.8.5 as of writing) simply does not work well with it. Simply uninstall it from your device (go to applications folder, it's under utilities and remove it), then download the .dmg from this site XQuartz - XQuartz 2.8.2. Then when you ssh -Y and use ncl util/plotgrid_new.ncl it should display all domains.

Some issues I'm still running into are getting ncl working on my M1 macbook. I've tried installing it using homebrew, however that updates my xquarts and I can't get that working. I've also tried with conda, however I just get a message saying: zsh: command ncl not found. It's not a big deal since I can use a VM, but just thought I'd mention it. Thank you all for your helpful comments and I hope this thread helps others.


I know this is an old post, but I was running into the same issues and I figured I'd share my solution.

Ubuntu: use the anaconda version. I initially used sudo apt install ncl-ncarg, and I was getting plots that did not show the second domain. When I installed it using anaconda (Installing NCL with "conda") I was able to get a clear picture of my domains.

MacOS (Apple Silicon): The newest version of xQuartz (2.8.5 as of writing) simply does not work well with it. Simply uninstall it from your device (go to applications folder, it's under utilities and remove it), then download the .dmg from this site XQuartz - XQuartz 2.8.2. Then when you ssh -Y and use ncl util/plotgrid_new.ncl it should display all domains.

Some issues I'm still running into are getting ncl working on my M1 macbook. I've tried installing it using homebrew, however that updates my xquarts and I can't get that working. I've also tried with conda, however I just get a message saying: zsh: command ncl not found. It's not a big deal since I can use a VM, but just thought I'd mention it. Thank you all for your helpful comments and I hope this thread helps others.

Conda will work on any os. It's what I used to install ncl_stable.