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editing Soil moisture and wind speed


New member
Dear all,
I am trying to learn about the most important parameters influenced on a dust storm so I have changed the amount of different parameters and compared them with each other.
Now I want to change the amount of soil moisture and wind speed. Hence I have a couple of questions.
First of all about the editing of ungrib files. I have changed geo_em and other files with NCL code, is there any way to edit ungribs files?
Second of all about soil moisture, ALthough it is a terrain parameter there is not in the geo_em file. Do we have soil moisture parameters on WPS or not? Could you help me to know how can I access the amount of it? and what is the name of soil moisture in wps and WRF? and also modifying it likes another Terrian parameter like LAI and ALBEDO or not?
I would appreciate it if you could help me as soon as possible.
Thanks in Advance
The output files of ungrib are intermediate format (binary) files. You have to read the data, change the values of specific variable, then write back. While it is able to be done, the process could be clumsy. I would suggest you make changes in wrfinput, which is netCDF file and you can easily use NCL to make changes.
geo_em files don't contain soil moisture/wind information. There is a variable named 'SMOIS' in wrfinput, which is the soil moisture you can change for the tests you plan to do. However, I don't think you can randomly change wind field in wrfinput, since this variable must follow geostrophic balance.
The output files of ungrib are intermediate format (binary) files. You have to read the data, change the values of specific variable, then write back. While it is able to be done, the process could be clumsy. I would suggest you make changes in wrfinput, which is netCDF file and you can easily use NCL to make changes.
geo_em files don't contain soil moisture/wind information. There is a variable named 'SMOIS' in wrfinput, which is the soil moisture you can change for the tests you plan to do. However, I don't think you can randomly change wind field in wrfinput, since this variable must follow geostrophic balance.
Thank you so much. 🙏