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Extreme negative values of ground heat flux (G_URB) (GRDFLX)


New member
I am getting extreme negative values of ground heat flux when i simulate 100% PV. I have atatched my Urban file and namelist.input


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Would you please clarify your question? Your namelist.input indicates that is a triply-nested case with very high resolution of 0.388km in your finest domain. When you look at GRDFLX, did you find extremely large negative values over all the 3 domains? What did you mean by ' simulate 100% PV'?

I also have a few concerns about your namelist options:
(1) cumulus scheme should be turned off for all the 3 domains
(2) The basis assumption of PBL scheme becomes invalid when the resolution is smaller than 1km. This will cause some trouble in your D03.
(3) why do you set gwd_opt = 1, 0, 1 ? I would suggest that you turn off GWD over all domains.
By 100% PV i mean turning on PV on roof =1 (PV_FRAC_ROOF=1) in Urbparm.tbl

Should I increase D03 domain greater than 1 km to have better PBL Scheme working ?

Yes GRDFLX is negative also for other domains
It is worth trying to increase grid interval to 1km for your D03 domain. Please keep me updated about the result. Thanks.
You are right that negative GRDFLX implies that the heat is transferred from the surface to underground.