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wrf output

  1. M

    Improve the hurricane precision introducing SST into model

    Hello, I am simulating a hurricane case, but the pecision of track, slp and max wind are still needed to improve. May I ask if introducing SST into model could improve the accuracy of the simulation? I use gdas1.fnl0p25 files to drive the model. Three fixed domains with resolution is 16,4,1...
  2. S

    Data Format Issues Related to .bin Files

    Hi all. I'm using PRE-CHEM-SRC to generate file for WRF following the exercise2(NOAA - Global Systems Laboratory). Unfortunately the convert_emiss can't run well. So I had to write my own Python program to convert the .bin file generated by PRE-CHEM-SRC into the .nc format. However, when I...
  3. S

    Forecast output data - WRF Model

    Hello I would like to know how do I make wrf run some data and with this data give me a future forecast for 2 days ahead. Exemple.: I have input data that goes from 2024-01-06 to 2024-01-09 and i would like to get future output data, like 2 days ahead, so in the end I would have output files for...
  4. Ioga Lazuardi

    Asking about Vertical level of model output

    hi all, i wanna ask i already run model wrf and on the wrfout i got vertical level in 44 level (botom_top = 44), for post processing i use arwpost and use option 0 for interpolation method (model level), because when i try to use -1 and 1 for height or pressure, the system can find the HGT or...
  5. D

    The wrfout file should be output hourly, but it is output every three days. And the hourly wrfout file can be output normally with chem module off.

    I used to use the meteorological model WRF. Recently, I added the chemical module and recompiled it. However, the wrfout file that should have been output hourly has been output every three days. When the chemical module is turned off, the hourly wrfout file can be output normally. I want to...
  6. A

    How to calculate precipitation rate (mm/hr) from WRF model output variable?

    Dear all, I want to calculate the precipitation rate (mm/hr) from the WRF model output and validate it with hourly satellite observations (e.g., GPM-IMERG). After searching online, I learned from this conversation (Calculate precipitation from WRF model output) that I need to just add 'RAINC'...
  7. I

    Using future CMIP6 data as initial and boundary condition for WRF

    Hi, I have basic understanding of how to run WRF but I am still new to running WRF simulations. I need to predict 'wind gust' with WRF using future CMIP6 data as initial and boundary conditions. However, most CMIP6 models do not have 'wind gust' as a variable. In that case, will WRF be able to...
  8. mgolbazi

    WRF model stability check

    Hi everyone, I am running a real WRF-LES case where I see many non-physical lines and waves in my wind speed (attached) and temperature plots which indicate that my run has gotten unstable at some point. This is not the first time that I am experiencing this (I have experienced the same in...
  9. A

    strange problem with wrf output in variables 3d

    Hi all, I am a ‘long-standing’ WRF user, and I am facing a really strange problem (for me). I am using WRF in the COAWST framework, coupled model, but this is not important because it also happens with WRF standalone (pure installation). Here is the error with the discussion...
  10. O

    Initial Conditions / SkewT

    Hi everyone, Does anyone has an idea of how to extract temperature data from a skewT plot. I have tried different options from Python to hand tracing the data but has not been successful. I am interested in extracting the sounding file from this paper"Explicit Forecasts of Winter Precipitation...
  11. L

    Running WRF with Modis data yields an error too many input landuse types

    When I was simulating WRFv4.5 model using Modis data, I changed the land cover type using MCD12q1 data. The WPS part did not report any errors and ran normally. The REAL also ran normally, but WRF reported too many input land use types errors, How can I fix the error? rsl.error.0006: INITIALIZE...
  12. Z

    Print the current simulation time in WRF

    Hello everyone, I hope I can get your help from here. I am modifying the relevant code in WRF and want to output intermediate variables in rsl (the VPRM part in module_ghg_fluxes.F). Now I want to output the current simulation time when the program is running. For example, if I start simulation...
  13. A

    Query regarding the Run-Time IO while running wrf.exe

    Dear all, I am running wrf.exe (version 4.5.2) in an HPC. As I want to include some important parameters in the WRF output file, I created a text file ('my_iofields_list.txt'), one for each domain, defined in the namelist.input file, located in the 'time_control' namelist record by following the...
  14. S

    Nuding with 3 domains

    Hi I'm running WRF for one Cyclone case. It is three nested domains. I have lots of questions about how the settings would be more appropriate From what I have been reading, the met_em files are used for all the running period for D01 and for the other domains uses only met_em files for the...
  15. H

    Vortex Following:Splitting of nested domain data

    Hi,I am trying to simulate typhoon using Vortex Following compile. In many simulated data, there is a clear disconnect between the nested domain and the parent domain.The smoothing option has been enabled, but the effect is not significant. I am confused whether this situation is normal? I have...
  16. S

    WRF-Hydro running error:the job is stopped due to the fatal error. in get_2d_netcdf() - nf90_get_var problem

    I am having problems running WRF-Hydro with NLDAS regridded data (with NAN values replaced) and it shows the following in the diag_hydro.00000 file: t0OutputFlag: 1 read forcing data at 2024-02-01_00:00:00 . /Forcing/2024020101.LDASIN_DOMAIN1 name = "T20" the job is stopped due to the fatal...
  17. W

    Request for user's guide change

    Good afternoon Admins, I was wondering if we could make a special tab or list on the WRF user's guide that highlights this specific page. I see a lot of users on the forum asking questions about output...
  18. L

    How can I use WRF4.1.5 together with WRFDA3.9.1?

    I copied the wrfvar_output file and named it the new wrfiput_d01 file. When I was conducting . /wrf.exe when performing the error: taskid: 0 hostname: server Quilting with 1 groups of 0 I/O tasks. Ntasks in X 1 , ntasks in Y 1 WRF V4.1.5 MODEL...
  19. T

    wrfinput files don't match first wrfout file

    Hello, I am trying to use mozbc to input dust data to the wrfinput file. This correctly works, and the dust data shows up in the wrfinput file. The problem is that when I run WRF-Chem, the first wrfout file does not contain any dust information. It basically starts the dust variable from...
  20. T

    The soil moisture problem

    Hi all! I am using WRF4.2 to simulate a pricipitation process.But the soil moisture is strange.The dark purple area has little change in all simulation period(dedatil in the attachement).However those areas have precipitation variations. The forcing data and SST data i used is NCEP...