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wrf output

  1. pegwan

    Initialising em_tropical_cyclone for the southern hemisphere

    I am attempting to run an idealised tropical cyclone simulation for the southern hemisphere, however I am running into some trouble when initialising the vortex. In order to change the starting conditions, I am modifying 'module_initialize_tropical_cyclone.F' (user settings shown below)...
  2. T

    The result of WRF_Hydro is null when there is lake.

    Dear all, Would you give me some advices for the result of my wrf_hydro run is a blank value in the lake area, and it is also in the croton_NY_training_example_v5.2 example given by the official website For example, I show the Ground Temperature for the result.
  3. george_victor

    Surface roughness estimation over ocean grid points

    Hi! I was making an LES simulation over ocean and seaice grids. While analyzing the outputs, I found that the sea surface roughness length (ZNT) is in correlation with the wind speed (checked for various heights up to 50m from the surface). Although the correlation is not precisely 1, I was...
  4. L

    WRF p_lev_diags setting error

    Hello: I am trying to use the 'pressure level output' option in WRF4.5.2 To save U, V, T at some pressure levels.But according to my namelist output, the file contains variables such as U10, V10, T2, etc., and does not include variables such as U, V, T, dew point temperature, etc. My input...
  5. Q

    Variable 'SST' in the wrfout is strange

    Dear all I use ncview to check my wrfout, and variable 'SST' is very strange, I think something wrong I didn't realize happened. Here is the image of 'SST'. The datasets I use is GHRSST Level 4 GAMSSA_28km Global Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis v1.0 dataset (GDS2), and I use this...
  6. A

    SST values in continental region

    Hello WRF community, I am running simulations with and without updating the sea surface temperature. When I plot the SST variable from the wrfout with and without SST updates, it has positive values over the continental region. I think it should be NaN or 0 values. Am I doing something wrong...
  7. W

    NOAHMP questions

    I have a few questions about NOAHMP 1. Do you have to change the geogrid file link from geogrid.arw to geogrid.arw.noahmp to use noahmp? 2. Which optional or supplementary files are needed to use noahmp for geography 3. If you don't call the noahmp geogrid file and you put the noahmp commands...
  8. A

    How to add heating rate as a variable in the WRF output file

    Hello all, I want to add atmospheric heating rate as a variable in the WRF output files (i.e., 'wrfout_d0*' files). I have gone through a previous forum conversation (Output the atmospheric heating rate) and after considering the suggestions available in that conversation, I made a iofields file...
  9. W

    PBLH is 0 for all areas of domain

    I am trying to calculate wind gusts using an equation from a research paper. In the paper you need to calculate wind speed at the pblh. However, When I print out the pblh values they are all 0 (wrf-python) workhorse@workhorse-MS-7D91:/media/workhorse/1774-7AEE/Python Charts/python charts...
  10. R

    interpolation from large file

    Hello. I am using the wrf_user_getvar to get the ua and va componetns of wind, and the wrf_user_vert_interp function to interpolate them. The simulation is a 4 nested real case with the innermost domain having a resolution of 0.333 km. There are a total of 433 times steps, I will use time steps...
  11. S

    wrf.exe don't write any output but running (sf_sfclay_physics)

    I'm conducting one domain experiment and two domain experiments with WRF version 4.4.2. I am using openmpi 4.1.4 version and aarch64, a 64-bit processor based on the ARMv8 architecture. It was confirmed that the experiment set with two domains was completed normally, and the experiment with one...
  12. xpji

    LADNMASK was restored after running real.exe

    hi, all To make an ideal experiment with a surface covered by water, I changed HGT_M in geogrid.*nc to 0, LANDMASK to 0, and LU_INDEX to 16 through "read_wrf_nc.f90". The above three variables in the met*nc file obtained by successfully running metgrid.exe are also consistent. ,, However...
  13. george_victor

    WRF writing output at random intervals

    Hi! Recently I was making a simulation, which ended with a CFL error. So I restarted the simulation with restart files and some modification in parameterizations. However when the new simulation started, it is writing outputs every second, although my setting says "history_interval = 30, 5,"...
  14. R

    Why are model results reset every 24 hours?

    I am conducting an experiment from October 1, 2016 to October 6, 2016. I have the following met_em files:
  15. J

    Interpolating WRF data (on structured grid) to observation location (latitude/longitude point)

    Hey there, I'm trying to figure out what the best Python function would be (from wrf, SciPy, etc.) to interpolate gridded WRF output data to a specific observation location at a latitude/longitude point, across various vertical levels. I know that some NCL functions are supposed to handle this...
  16. C

    how to integrate soil moisture layers in Noah-MP module

    Dear all, I am confused about how to calculate the total soil moisture when considering multiple layers. The stimulated soil moisture has four layers (i.e., 0-10cm; 10-40cm; 40-100cm; 100-200cm) in Noah-MP module. But if we want to get the soil moisture in the layer 0-40cm and 40-200cm, can we...
  17. V

    large stripe in temperature output

    Hi all, I am running a nested WRF-CMAQ simulation for April 2019, but noticed some erroneous stripes in the temperature output (shown below). This stripe persist throughout each of the nested model domains (12km, 4km, 1.3km) and is more evident on some days/hours than others. I suspect this...
  18. L

    Is there any processor to convert WRF outputs to .sam (SAMSON) and .ua (TD-6201) formats?

    Hello everyone, I would like to convert WRF outputs into input files for AERMET, and I have seen that one option is to have the mentioned formats above. Another option is through mmif; however, I have observed that mmif does not provide the .sam and .ua formats (although it does offer other...
  19. A

    Error occurred after successfully simulating one-day wrfout while running wrf.exe: forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

    Hi there! I am currently facing an issue while running wrf.exe. The program runs successfully, but after simulating the data for the first day, I encounter the following error. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Specifically speaking, I am utilizing CMIP6 weather reanalysis data to...
  20. E

    Error while Running WRF

    Good day. I am very confused as to how I could prevent this error while running WRF. In my case, I attempt to run 2-domains with outer domain having 15-km and inner domain with 3-km spatial resolution. My Ubuntu system has 16-Gb RAM and I often run WRF with two processors with (mpirun -np 2...