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Failure to run ungrib after HPC OS update: not found


New member
Hello all,

I run WRF on an HPC system whose OS was recently updated. I attempted to run WPS for the first time after the OS update but it only generated the geo_em files. After looking through some files, I found the culprit for the unsuccessful WPS run:

./ungrib.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When I run the command "ldd ungrib.exe" you can see it's no longer there after the OS update: (0x00007ffe4a3e1000) => not found => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f19c3000) => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f17ac000) => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f142a000) => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f120a000) => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f0e45000) => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f0c2d000) => /lib64/ (0x000014a4f0a29000)
/lib64/ (0x000014a4f1bee000)

I've already tried the command "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="lib jasper path"" to reset the jasper path but it did not work. I reached out to the staff that maintain the HPC I run WRF on and they suggested to recompile WRF as the newly updated system has jasper installed but as "" instead of "". Will someone confirm this is what I need to do before I attempt to recompile WRF?

I would agree that recompiling the WPS in order to link with the new JasPer library is probably the way to go.
Was it someone else who installed WRF and the WPS in the past? If not, you can essentially follow the same steps as before.

However, if you're new to installing WRF and the WPS, at a high level, you'll need to (1) locate your installations of various libraries and set environment variables accordingly; (2) configure and compile WRF; and (3) configure and compile the WPS. There's a tutorial lecture that can guide you through this process. There's also an online compilation guide, too.
Yes, another person set up most of WRF for me. I will take a look at those guides and see if I can get it running.
There is an even simpler option that just occurred to me, and that is to simply clean and recompile in your existing WPS directory. If the paths to static libraries haven't changed, this may work to give you updated WPS executables; and, if it doesn't work, I suppose you're no worse off in that you'll likely need to go through the entire installation process documented in the links I referenced earlier.

What you can try is the following:
  1. In your WPS directory, run './clean -a'
  2. There should now be a file named 'configure.wps.backup', which you can rename to 'configure.wps'
  3. You can now recompile the WPS with './compile >& make.log'

If you don't see any updated executables (geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, metgrid.exe), you could post your 'make.log' file here and I could see if the issue is something simple to fix.
mgduda said:
I would agree that recompiling the WPS in order to link with the new JasPer library is probably the way to go.

Which version of Jasper are you using? I know I read somewhere that WRF likes Japer 1.900.1 over the newer versions.
mpletch1 said:
Hello all,

I run WRF on an HPC system whose OS was recently updated. I attempted to run WPS for the first time after the OS update but it only generated the geo_em files. After looking through some files, I found the culprit for the unsuccessful WPS run:

Was the new OS Ubuntu 22.04 by chance?
Hi all,

I tried running what mgduda suggested, but that didn't work. Instead, I had to recompile WRF and its running successfully now. I will say that it runs significantly slowly than it did before, and I'm not sure why. I'll be making a post in the Running WRF forum to see if I can get some help there.

To answer Whatheway's questions, how would I check to see which version of jasper I use on the non-running WRF? To my knowledge, the HPC environment I run WRF on was updated from CentOS7 to RockyLinux8.5.