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I am trying to drive WRF with EC-Earth output which contains upper air variables(ta,ua,va,spechum) along with a few surface ones (psfc, ps) at 6-hour frequency. Both the soil and surface data is only available at daily resolution (T2,U10,V10,PSML,ST,SM). Per my understanding of WRF, it...
I am running ./geogrid.exe and ./ungrib.exe command on supercomputer but it giving me error that
/geogrid.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/usr/mathlib/libpng/lib/ version `PNG15_0'...
Hi. I have this error when running ungrib.exe for SST data.
I understand that it says that the start time has to be before the end time, which is obvius, but SST has only one time. So, the start time and the end time will be the same. I don't know what to do.
Thanks for the future answers.
Good morning.
Could somebody kindly explain the meaning of the "O, X and -" symbols beneath the variables listed in ungrib.log after its completion? I am struggling to find the documentation.
Thank you
Hello, I got the following error while running ./ungrib.exe .I downloaded the era5 data from NCAR research data archive . I have attached the namelist.wps and error file below. Do I need to provide Vtable for both pl and sfc data? I linked both datas using command. , ln -sf...
I would like to running a wrf based on a combined field which consists of ERA5 field and the GFS RH field.
In order to achieve this, I had editted the Vtable file and ungribed them seperately.
1) For ERA5 dataset: edited the Vtable file, remove the RH field of record, reivsed the...
Hi everyone,
I’m working to initialize an MPAS run using initial conditions from the full ERA5 reanalysis dataset. Since my simulations target much higher altitudes (>100 mb), I’m using the 137 model levels rather than the standard 37 pressure levels to achieve higher resolution in these upper...
Hi, I am running ./ungrib.exe of WPSv3.9.1 (WRF Preprocessing System) in a NCAR Derecho HPC. It used to run fine previously without any errors within the same directory. All the required files are in the directory. I use era5 data from ‘/gpfs/csfs1/collections/rda/data/ds633.0/’ for surface and...
Hi all,
I'm having an issue with ungrib program while using the ERA-5 land data (ERA5-Land monthly averaged data from 1950 to present).
I'm getting the following error message after running the ungrib program:
*** Starting program ungrib.exe ***
Start_date = 2017-03-01_00:00:00 ...
On the NCAR RDA page for hourly ERA5, this notice appeared: "2024-09-27. Important notice regarding RDA ERA5 GRIB files: Please note that DECS is in the process of completely phasing out whole file download, subsetting, and campaign storage access to RDA ERA5 GRIB files, with a planned end of...
I used download the GFS 0.25 degree data through the AWS cloud website.
It is strange that ungribbed FILE data only contains 21 levels data.
the output of vars attribute
**Guide to Using Copernicus ERA5 Data with WRF**
Dear WRF Users,
Many users encounter challenges when utilizing ERA5 data from the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) with WRF. To assist, I've put together a step-by-step guide on how to successfully download, process, and run ERA5 data within...
Hello, I am trying to run ungrib.exe and encountered the error below:
(base) jamiu@jamiu-OMEN-by-HP-Laptop-15-ce0xx:~/Build_WRF/WPS/ungrib$ ./ungrib.exe
./ungrib.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I have...
Hello! I’m currently trying to make ungrib files using ERA5 data and eventually want to make metgrid files. However, there are 2 types of ERA 5 data: pressure level data and surface level data. Can you enlighten me by answering the following questions?
1. We need to make GRIBFILE.* (e.g...
I tried ungrib in WPS.
As the picture shows, Vtable is unrecognized.
What does the error "ERROR in Subroutine PARSE_TABLE" means?
and How should I do next?
Best regards.
Is there a way to configure the ungrib Vtable to read in only one layer of a 3D variable?
We are working with multiple years and want to reduce input files to be 2D, if possible. Specifically, we are looking to just work with surface level MASSDEN, but currently we are running through all 50...
Hi all,
I'm in the process of updating SSTs in the WRF v3.8 model but I'm running into WPS issues when attempting to convert GLSEA SST data from netcdf to grib. I'm aware that there are similar posts on this forum however, after trying out a couple of different options, I am still running into...
Hi all,
As my title says, I am trying to use pywinter to generate intermediate files to be read in by WRF/MPAS-A. I can import the module in python via
import pywinter
But trying to import the subroutine
import pywinter.winter
Results in the following error:
Please note: This is the same issue as this post:
However, I was not allowed to reply to that thread, so I am starting a new one. Also, the issue reported in the...
I was trying to run a simple one domain WRF simulation using FNL data. I was able to run ./geogrid.exe, but am encountering an issue when running ./ungrib.exe.
I executed:
1) ln -s ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.GFS Vtable
2) ./link_grib.csh...
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