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SOILHGT variable from ERA5 with ungrib


New member

I'm trying to run MPAS initialized with ERA5 data, which throws the error: ERROR: SOILHGT field not found in intermediate file ERA5:2014-02-08_00
I checked this intermediate file and the variable is indeed not there.
From old posts I learned that ungrib.exe should calculate this variable, but I'm not sure why it's not there.

I have attached the following files:
- ungrib.log
- Vtable
- g1print.txt: output from "g1print.exe GRIBFILE.AAA"

Any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance!


  • ungrib.log
    107.1 KB · Views: 6
  • Vtable.txt
    3.5 KB · Views: 14
  • g1print.txt
    10.1 KB · Views: 8


The variable "SOILGHT" is required for MPAS initialization run. I am suspicious that you didn't download the invariant data file of ERA5.

Where did you download your ERA5 data? NCAR RDA archives ERA5 data, including the invariant data file. Please see the attached document that describes how to download data.

Hope this is helpful.


  • ERA5_download_instruction.pdf
    539.2 KB · Views: 34
Dear Ming Chen,

Thank you for your answer. Apologies for my slow reply due to Christmas break.
You were correct, one of the invariant variables was missing. However, also in the data I got following the documentation you provided, this variable seems to be missing.

In the following I'll describe what we did, in case others have a similar problem:
1) Download static geopotential variable directly from copernicus (under other > geopotential).
2) Make sure the content of the file is as follows (using e.g., g1print.exe).
rec GRIB GRIB Lvl Lvl Lvl Time Fcst
Num Code name Code one two hour
1 129 Z 1 0 0 2014-02-08_00:00 + 00
3) Using CDO, adapt time step to the needed reanalysis time and merge with the rest of the ERA5 data before passing it to ungrib.

Hope this will help some.
Thanks again!


The variable "SOILGHT" is required for MPAS initialization run. I am suspicious that you didn't download the invariant data file of ERA5.

Where did you download your ERA5 data? NCAR RDA archives ERA5 data, including the invariant data file. Please see the attached document that describes how to download data.

Hope this is helpful.

Hi Ming,

Thanks for this pdf, it is really useful. According to the pdf, we need to download all pressure level variables. However, I'm using (because I'm using ERA5), and only air temperature, relative humidity (or specific humidity), wind u and v components, and geopotential height are shown as pressure-level variables in the table. Dow we really need to download the other pressure-level variables (e.g., cloud cover, divergence...)?

Thanks in advance,

I downloaded the data "e5.oper.invariant.128_129_z.ll025sc.1979010100_1979010100.grb" from NCAR RDA and double check the variable in it. Below is what I found:

rec 1:0:date 1979010100 Z kpds5=129 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0) grid=255 sfc ECext=1 class=23 type=analysis stream=1025 Version=0001 anl:

  Z=Geopotential [m**2 s**-2]

  timerange 0 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1  nx 1440 ny 721 GDS grid 0 num_in_ave 0 missing 0

  center 98 subcenter 0 process 145 Table 128 scan: WE:NS winds(N/S) 

  latlon: lat  90.000000 to -90.000000 by 0.250000  nxny 1038240

          long 0.000000 to 359.750000 by 0.250000, (1440 x 721) scan 0 mode 128 bdsgrid 1

  min/max data -1386.49 57458.2  num bits 24  BDS_Ref -1386.49  DecScale 0 BinScale -8

This is the variable we need for initialization of WRF and MPAS.

I am not sure what is wrong in the data from copernicus. Would you please use the data from CISL RDA ?


Those 5 pressure-level variables you listed are sufficient. I don't think you need to get all the variables like cloud cover, divergence, etc.
Hi @Ming Chen,
I just ran into this issue as I try to run an MPAS limited area simulation from ERA5. I linked the invariant field you specified (/glade/campaign/collections/rda/data/ds633.0/e5.oper.invariant/197901/e5.oper.invariant.128_129_z.ll025sc.1979010100_1979010100.grb) for running ungrib but it doesn't look like the field is ever processed. I suppose it must be because of the date, which doesn't match the date on my namelist.

Then I found this post by Kelly that indicates this field is given to metgrid as a constants field. So I tried to link the file in /glade/work/wrfhelp/era5/ERA5_INVARIANT to FILE:ERA5_INVARIANT, matching the prefix in namelist.init_atmosphere (i.e. config_met_prefix = 'FILE'). But that didn't work either.

What am I missing here? How do I provide this field to MPAS?
Never mind @Ming Chen, I figured it out. I found another post indicating that I could use the command "cat" to concatenate the files: cat ERA5_INVARIANT >> FILE:2019-02-03_00

It worked ;)