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Grads: Operation error: Invalid dimension environment

Dear altruists,

For the domain between 45S to 55N and 23W and 174E, while trying to display the
variables in GrADS i got the following error:
Operation error: Invalid dimension environment
Min longitude > max longitude: 353.454 157.426
In Grads,
ga-> open test.ctl
Scanning description file: test.ctl
Data file test.dat is open as file 1
LON set to 353.454 157.426
LAT set to -37.4965 45.0104
LEV set to 1 1
Time values set: 2022:7:25:12 2022:7:25:12
E set to 1 1
ga-> d rainc
Operation error: Invalid dimension environment
Min longitude > max longitude: 353.454 157.426

If i define desired lat-lon extent, then i get some horizontal bars in the plot. Please see attached test-plot.png
Domain picture & test.ctl are attached. How do I deal with this problem?



  • DomainWizardMap.jpg
    74 KB · Views: 4
  • test.ctl.txt
    50.5 KB · Views: 2
  • test-plot.png
    149.7 KB · Views: 5
Hi, Unfortunately our team does not support GrADS. If the problem is specific to a GrADS issue, you will need to contact someone in support with that group. If you are able to locate an issue with the model output, or with one of our supported post-processors, please let us know.
Dear rabbanidu,

Are you solved this Issue: Invalid dimension environment?
If Yes, how do you solved it, because I have the same issue.​
