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grid%tsk unreasonable


New member
error in the grid%tsk
i,j= 91 1
grid%landmask= 0.00000000
grid%tsk, grid%sst, grid%tmn= 101386.547 0.00000000 101386.547
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
grid%tsk unreasonable

Hi, I met a problem yesterday when I ran real.exe. This problem seems so strange.
I also see lots of other similar questions in the forum, but the solutions do not work. Kindly ask for help.


  • namelist.input
    3.3 KB · Views: 10
  • namelist.wps
    888 bytes · Views: 3
  • rsl.out.0000
    27.5 KB · Views: 12
I guess this is an issue caused by landmask problem. Probably you didn't download the invariant surface variable file? Please see the attached file that describes how to get all ERA files necessary for running WRF.


  • ERA5_download_instruction.pdf
    539.2 KB · Views: 106
Hi. I download ERA5 data from Copernicus Climate Data Store |. Here are the variables now I have:
(1) pressure level:
(2) single level:

But I do not know exactly what is 'invariant surface variable' you've mentioned? These data have successfully ran before, but they failed this time.
Last edited:
The values of tsk and tmn look more like values of pressure but not for temperature. I am not familiar with the data from Copernicus Climate Data Store . Are they in GRIB format? If so, what Vtable did you use to ungrid the data? If it is the Vtable provided in WPS< it is possible that this table doesn't match the data you downloaded.
Can you download data from CISL RDA, then rerun ungrib?
Hi everyone
I am facing the same issue. In spite of trying all the suggestions in the related posts I am getting the same error. I downloaded ERA5 data from CISL RDA. I tried and Vtable.ECMWF. I am using METGRID.TBL.ARW Kindly find my namelist and error file attached.
I have downloaded the following variables:

Specific snow water content
Specific rain water content
Cloud cover
Cloud ice water content
Cloud liquid water content
Relative humidity
Vorticity (relative)
Vertical velocity
Potential vorticity
Specific humidity
V velocity
U velocity
Ozone mass mixing ratio

Total column rain water
100 metre V wind component
100 metre U wind component
Lake ice depth
Neutral wind at 10 m v-component
Lake total layer temperature
Lake bottom temperature
Total column liquid water
Leaf area index, high vegetation
Neutral wind at 10 m u-component
Leaf area index, low vegetation
Convective available potential energy
Volumetric soil water layer 1
Ice surface temperature layer 3
Lake ice temperature
Ice surface temperature layer 2
Ice surface temperature layer 4
Ice surface temperature layer 1
Volumetric soil water layer 3
Snow albedo
Snow density
Sea-ice cover
Forecast surface roughness
Forecast albedo
Total column ice water
Temperature of snow layer
Soil temperature level 4
Skin temperature
Total column snow water
Instantaneous moisture flux
Instantaneous surface heat flux
Instantaneous X surface stress
Lake shape factor
Volumetric soil water layer 2
Total column ozone
High cloud cover
Medium cloud cover
Low cloud cover
Soil temperature level 3
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation
Soil temperature level 2
2 metre dewpoint temperature
2 metre temperature
10 metre V wind component
Forecast log of surface roughness for heat
10 metre U wind component
Total cloud cover
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation
Boundary layer height
Near IR albedo for direct radiation
Mean sea-level pressure
UV visible albedo for direct radiation
Sea surface temperature
Snow depth
Skin reservoir content
Soil temperature level 1
Total column water vapour
Volumetric soil water layer 4
Total column water
Instantaneous Y surface stress
Surface pressure

Looking forward to any kind of help and advise.
Thank you


  • namelist.input
    4.6 KB · Views: 7
  • rsl.error.0000
    1.6 KB · Views: 11
  • rsl.out.0000
    8 KB · Views: 7
I guess this is an issue caused by landmask problem. Probably you didn't download the invariant surface variable file? Please see the attached file that describes how to get all ERA files necessary for running WRF.
Hi Ming Chen,

Thanks for the tutorial to download the ERA5 from RDA. I still have a question:

When I try to download the data, the RDA site offers file which only have 1 single variable (like in your print screen on step #6).
Is there a way to download all the variables in a single file for each day?

The problem is that there are 16 files (i.e. variables) for all the pressure-level variables and 62 files for all the surface variables.
Does WRF really need all of these?

Hi Henrique,

We cannot download all files and merge them to produce a single file, And I don't think it is necessary to do so.
It is necessary to download all those files that contain variables required by WPS/WRF. However, I am not aware that 62 surface variable files are needed to download. My impression is that we only need those "*.grb" files.
Hi everyone
I am facing the same issue. In spite of trying all the suggestions in the related posts I am getting the same error. I downloaded ERA5 data from CISL RDA. I tried and Vtable.ECMWF. I am using METGRID.TBL.ARW Kindly find my namelist and error file attached.
I have downloaded the following variables:

Specific snow water content
Specific rain water content
Cloud cover
Cloud ice water content
Cloud liquid water content
Relative humidity
Vorticity (relative)
Vertical velocity
Potential vorticity
Specific humidity
V velocity
U velocity
Ozone mass mixing ratio

Total column rain water
100 metre V wind component
100 metre U wind component
Lake ice depth
Neutral wind at 10 m v-component
Lake total layer temperature
Lake bottom temperature
Total column liquid water
Leaf area index, high vegetation
Neutral wind at 10 m u-component
Leaf area index, low vegetation
Convective available potential energy
Volumetric soil water layer 1
Ice surface temperature layer 3
Lake ice temperature
Ice surface temperature layer 2
Ice surface temperature layer 4
Ice surface temperature layer 1
Volumetric soil water layer 3
Snow albedo
Snow density
Sea-ice cover
Forecast surface roughness
Forecast albedo
Total column ice water
Temperature of snow layer
Soil temperature level 4
Skin temperature
Total column snow water
Instantaneous moisture flux
Instantaneous surface heat flux
Instantaneous X surface stress
Lake shape factor
Volumetric soil water layer 2
Total column ozone
High cloud cover
Medium cloud cover
Low cloud cover
Soil temperature level 3
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation
Soil temperature level 2
2 metre dewpoint temperature
2 metre temperature
10 metre V wind component
Forecast log of surface roughness for heat
10 metre U wind component
Total cloud cover
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation
Boundary layer height
Near IR albedo for direct radiation
Mean sea-level pressure
UV visible albedo for direct radiation
Sea surface temperature
Snow depth
Skin reservoir content
Soil temperature level 1
Total column water vapour
Volumetric soil water layer 4
Total column water
Instantaneous Y surface stress
Surface pressure

Looking forward to any kind of help and advise.
Thank you
I do try to run processors but it returned the same error message.
Hello Anie_Lal and ZHAO,
Just wanted to know ,if you were able to solve this issue?
I am using IMDAA data and getting the same error while running real.exe.
Hello Anie_Lal and ZHAO,
Just wanted to know ,if you were able to solve this issue?
I am using IMDAA data and getting the same error while running real.exe.
Can you please open a new post? NCAR likes to keep the topics separate. Since you are using different dataset
@Saqib @Anie_Lal
Your data don't include landsea mask and soilght (terrain height of ERA5). Please follow the instruction to download the invariant datafile and ungrib this file together with all other files you have downloaded. Remember to use Vtabel.ECMWF to ungrib these data.
Would you please check the variable name for landmask in your intermediate file (i.e., the file you produced by ungrib)?
The name should be LANDSEA. I am suspicious that the name in your file (land_sea_mask) may not be correct?
@Saqib @Anie_Lal
Your data don't include landsea mask and soilght (terrain height of ERA5). Please follow the instruction to download the invariant datafile and ungrib this file together with all other files you have downloaded. Remember to use Vtabel.ECMWF to ungrib these data.
I was able to solve this error.It has to do with the incompatibility of grid dimensions of your forcing data and georgid domain.
In case this is not solving the issue, try using different landuse data.
@ Saqib

Would you please clarify how you fix the issue? I believe that grid dimensions of your forcing data and WPS geogrid domain don't need to be consistent.
I also faced the same issue. while running real.exe
Using sfcprs to compute psfc
d01 2017-11-27_00:00:00 No average surface temperature for use with inland lakes
Assume Noah LSM input
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
grid%tsk unreasonable

The error was related to the geogrid.exe. The geographic data was not full. But the geogrid.log didn't show any error.
## Error
1. geo_em files show unreliable values for LANDMASK, SKINTEMP , SOILTEMP, HGT_M and ALBEDO12M variables.
2. It will reflect to met_em files also.
3. So real.exe cant read these inputs from met_em files, if you are using sf_surface_physics =2, 3, 4, or 5 (LSM)
## solution
1. Make sure the path to GEOG files is correct eg: /home/user/WPS_GEOG/ (Sometimes path starting with ~/WPS_GEOG/ won't work )
2. Re-run geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe and metgrid.exe

My error has been solved and here I attach the solution for the public.!