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How to reduce the amount of wrfout data


New member
Hi all,
I need your help about wrf output.
There are a lot off variables that I do not need in the

output files.

I have applied the method that you given but nothing is changed.
I have exactly used this method below :

iofields_filename = “my_file_d01.txt”, “my_file_d02.txt”
ignore_iofields_warning = .true.,

The contents of the text file associates a stream ID (0 is the default history and input) with a variable, and whether the field is to be added or removed. The state variables must already be defined in the Registry file. Following are a few examples:
would remove the fields RAINC and RAINNC from the standard history file.

That for your help.
Please modify Registry to remove those variables you don't want. Below is an example:

Suppose you don't want the variable SNOWNC, you can find the following line in Registry.EM_COMMON:


You can remove 'h' from the 8th column, and the line will be:


Follow the same to remove 'h' for other state variables you don't need.

Then please recompile the code. Remember to type ./clean -a before recompiling.
You should be able to use the Runtime I/O method you mentioned in your original post, without having to recompile the model. Can you attach your namelist.input file, as well as your my_file_d01.txt and my_file_d02.txt files? After you run using that method, please also issue
ncdump -h wrfout... >& wrfout.log.txt

using the full name of one of your new wrfout files (make sure you're not looking at any older wrfout* files that may remain in your directory), and attach that wrfout.log.txt file, as well. Thanks!
Thanks Kelly,
Please enclosed my file_d01 and the namelist.input
In this exemple, I have just used one domain.
You should be able to use the Runtime I/O method you mentioned in your original post, without having to recompile the model. Can you attach your namelist.input file, as well as your my_file_d01.txt and my_file_d02.txt files? After you run using that method, please also issue
ncdump -h wrfout... >& wrfout.log.txt

using the full name of one of your new wrfout files (make sure you're not looking at any older wrfout* files that may remain in your directory), and attach that wrfout.log.txt file, as well. Thanks!


  • my_file_d01.txt
    38 bytes · Views: 21
  • namelist.input
    3.1 KB · Views: 7
The wrfout.log.txt file is specific to the wrf history file "wrfout_d02_2023-06-26_06-00-00," but your namelist shows that you are only running a single domain. Can you do the 'ncdump' command for a domain 01 history file, and send a new wrfout.log.txt file? Thanks!
The wrfout.log.txt file is specific to the wrf history file "wrfout_d02_2023-06-26_06-00-00," but your namelist shows that you are only running a single domain. Can you do the 'ncdump' command for a domain 01 history file, and send a new wrfout.log.txt file? Thanks!
Hello Kelly sorry for the delay.
I was out of the office.
Please find enclosed the good file.


  • wrfoutd01.log.txt
    50.7 KB · Views: 2
  • wrfoutd01.log.txt
    50.7 KB · Views: 2
I would like to apologize for the long delay. I've been out of the office for the past 2.5 weeks. I have run a test using your namelist and your "my_file_d01.txt" file, but I'm unable to repeat the issue you're seeing. When I run wrf.exe, the variables mentioned in the text file are not included in the wrf output. I'm not sure why it's not working for your simulation. The only suggestion I can give is to try to re-run it, and make sure you don't have older wrfout* files in your running directory, so as to not get them confused.
I would like to apologize for the long delay. I've been out of the office for the past 2.5 weeks. I have run a test using your namelist and your "my_file_d01.txt" file, but I'm unable to repeat the issue you're seeing. When I run wrf.exe, the variables mentioned in the text file are not included in the wrf output. I'm not sure why it's not working for your simulation. The only suggestion I can give is to try to re-run it, and make sure you don't have older wrfout* files in your running directory, so as to not get them confused.
Ok thanks Kelly for your collaboration.
I gonna try again and will let you know. Many thanks