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land sea mask

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Can I please know how to use the land sea mask of WRF to extract land only output from the wrfout files?
Can this be done using wrf-python? or cdo?

Also, my output files are at a 10km resolution. I am wondering what resolution is the land sea mask? Many thanks.
I've moved this topic to the Miscellaneous section, as this isn't really a question specific to wrf.exe.

You will probably need to do some sort of post-processing to do what you want. I'm uncertain whether wrf-python can do it, and our group does not manage the wrf-python utilities. You'll need to contact that group directly to ask about the options. As for the resolution of your landsea mask, this is a field that comes in with your input data, so you'll need to determine the resolution from your input data.
The static landuse is 30s MODIS data, even if your grid interval is 10km in WRF.

As for getting data only over land, I am sure python is able to do so. I am not familiar with CDO.

We usually use NCL to extract data over land points, which is easy to do by "where" in NCL, e.g.,

TT (I,j) = where(landsea(i,j).eq.1, TT(i,j), -999)