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large stripe in temperature output


New member
Hi all,

I am running a nested WRF-CMAQ simulation for April 2019, but noticed some erroneous stripes in the temperature output (shown below).
This stripe persist throughout each of the nested model domains (12km, 4km, 1.3km) and is more evident on some days/hours than others. I suspect this is likely due to ICBC inputs (i.e., NARR) from what I've read on the forums, but I am hopeful someone may be able to confirm this and help explain how/why this could influence data resolved in the middle of the domain.

I'm a bit of a novice with WRF but I am here to learn. I've attached the namelist associated with wps and wrf set up. I appreciate any guidance you all can provide. Many thanks.



  • wps_namelist.201904.txt
    2.1 KB · Views: 3
  • wrf_namelist.201904.txt
    7.5 KB · Views: 2
In your namelist.input, feedback is set to 0, indicating that there is no feedback between the parent and child domains. If the stripe structure appears in all the three domains, it indicates that this is not caused by nesting. It is more possible that some physics processes yield such a structure.

Since you run with grid nudging, I would suggest you check the NARR first to make sure it doesn't have such a stripe structure.
Then you may also need to look at the surface features, for example the landuse type to see whether there is any stripe structure there.

Please keep me updated about the results. Thanks.