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metgrid.exe error for CMIP6 data


New member
Dear all,

I am trying to use the MPI-ESM1-2-HR ssp858 and apply the dynamical downscaling. To convert the nc file to intermediate files I am using the python script provided GitHub - lzhenn/cmip6-to-wrfinterm: tools to process cmip6 data to drive wrf. I successfully create the intermediate files and tested the output for the size and content. It looks right to me. While I am executing metgrid.exe I run to the error (ERROR: Didn't recognize format version of data in MPI-ESM1-2-HR:2100-01-02_00.\nFound version -2060720317 but expected either 3, 4, or 5. This could be an endian problem.).

I tried the previous post but couldn't find the solution. I should mention I am using intel compiler and icc.