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  1. B

    When running metgrid.exe, all but one met_em.d* files are good. Why does the first one (d01, t=0) return an HDF error.

    Hi, In running WPS, metgrid.exe runs start to finish. However, a single met_em.d* file, (starting time step), returns an HDF error on ncdump. The met_em files for d02 and d03 of the same time step are fine, as well as later time steps of d01. I'm wondering what...
  2. G

    Problem with surface pressure and its extrapolation from mslp

    While I was checking the correctness of the initialization I noticed a weird aspect about the surface pressure field in the wrfinput file generated by real.exe. Surface pressure seems to depend only on the value of the msl pressure I provide in the metgrid file, despite the fact that I also...
  3. J

    metgrid.exe crashed when using different src data

    Hello, I would like to running a wrf based on a combined field which consists of ERA5 field and the GFS RH field. In order to achieve this, I had editted the Vtable file and ungribed them seperately. 1) For ERA5 dataset: edited the Vtable file, remove the RH field of record, reivsed the...
  4. S

    Error in 3 domain metgrid.exe (1 way nesting)

    Hi, Im trying to execupte the WRF model for a 3 domain , this 2 nests, 1 in 1 in 1, one way nesting: Though I successfully execute the ungrib and geogrid steps, I get the following errors in metgrid - file name: namelist.wps [wrf_try]$ ./metgrid.exe Processing domain 1 of 2 Processing...
  5. William.Hatheway

    How to use ERA5 Data From Copernicus Database

    **Guide to Using Copernicus ERA5 Data with WRF** Dear WRF Users, Many users encounter challenges when utilizing ERA5 data from the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) with WRF. To assist, I've put together a step-by-step guide on how to successfully download, process, and run ERA5 data within...
  6. K

    Problem running metgrid since using gribfilter based gfs files with all variables but selected geographical area

    My WRF configuration was working file without any errors until I tried to use the filtered gfs data from nomads. Now my metgrid runs produce the following error: The mandatory field TT was not found in any input data. I am using the same namelist.wps that worked with the full data download...
  7. J

    Two WPS code bug. (the DM_FC &DM_CC option, metgrid.exe)

    Hello, I would like to report a issue which exists for a period. When I selected the compile option 19 and tried to compile with intel compiler, there are ususally comes out an compile error. From the compile output, I know that the error are ususally come from the gfortran compiler. After...
  8. D

    Execution of UNGRIB.exe using ERA5 data

    Hello! I’m currently trying to make ungrib files using ERA5 data and eventually want to make metgrid files. However, there are 2 types of ERA 5 data: pressure level data and surface level data. Can you enlighten me by answering the following questions? 1. We need to make GRIBFILE.* (e.g...
  9. D

    I created new met_em files while wrf.exe was running. Is it a problem?

    Hi I was running a simulation and I forgot to check if WRF was finished before creating new met_em files for use with Thomson aerosol-aware (mp_scheme = 28). When it came to my mind, I checked rsl.error.0000 and wrf.exe was still running, it was coming close to the end of the simulation. I...
  10. J

    Is it recommended to use the same spatial resolution for all surface parameters?

    Dear users, The WRF model has 30 arc-seconds (~900 meters) as the higher spatial resolution by default. I read many papers where authors changed the topography (HGT) to a higher resolution (e.g. 90 meters). I also managed to change it. But now I have a question. The another surface parameters...
  11. K

    (Resolved) Why real.exe doesn't use all met.em.d0* files?

    Hi there! I got a question when executing real.exe. I used three levels of nesting. Each nested area has 8 met.em files with a time resolution of 3h. I found that after deleting some of the met.em files in d02 and d03, the real.exe program can still run normally, and eventually SUCCESS...
  12. D

    ERROR: Couldn't open file ./ for input. For command ./metgrid.exe

    Dear users, I am getting an error when trying to execute ./metgrid.exe. The error is ERROR: Couldn't open file ./ for input. Version Details : WPS-4.5 WRF-4.5.2 Input data : ds083.2 List of attachments: namelist.wps Vtable geogrid.log metgrid.log ungrib.log Please suggest...
  13. C

    metgrid - SST interpolation

    I am trying to run a climate simulation using the initial conditions of a CMIP6 model (2.8° resolution) The results show inconsistencies with some variables: SST and T2. I attached results from a wrfout_d01, where the SST is not interpolated, which affects other variables such as T2. Then...
  14. C

    successfully execute ./metgrid.exe, but errors are encountered in the generated files.

    Hello everyone, I am using the FNL dataset, replacing the land cover data for D03, updating SST, and generating the met file. When running real.exe, I encountered the following error: d02 2015-01-06_06:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use: metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input =...
  15. N

    Error on model day 2 00:30:00 while running wrf.exe forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

    I am using WPS-4.2 and polar version of WRF 4.1.3. I pre-processed ERA5 data using WPS-4.2, obtained met_em* files and use those to run polar WRF-4.1.3 from model date Feb 01, 2013, 00:00:00. But on model date Feb 02, 2013 00:30:00, I encounter the following error. Timing for main: time...
  16. N

    Polar WRF stops at day 2 00:30:00 of the run

    I am using WPS-4.2 and polar version of WRF 4.1.3. I pre-processed ERA5 data using WPS-4.2, obtained met_em* files and use those to run polar WRF-4.1.3 from model date Feb 01, 2013, 00:00:00. But on model date Feb 02, 2013 00:30:00, I encounter the following error. Timing for main: time...
  17. E

    Metgrid SST interpolation artifacts

    Hi all, I have a problem with the met_em* files generated by metgrid.exe similar to this post here: metgrid - SST interpolation artifacts (not solved). I want to run metgrid with meteorological data from ERA5 (prefix FILE:...) and climatological SST data from ERA5 (prefix SST:...). If I run...
  18. dileepkunjaai

    metgrid.exe : ERROR: Missing values encountered in interpolated fields. Stopping

    Dear All, I am trying to run WRF with ERA5 as the lateral boundary condition. I am able to run the geogrid and ungrib successfully. But while running metgrid I am getting the following error. Processing domain 1 of 1 Processing 2016-12-01_06 PRS SFC WARNING: Field PRES has missing...
  19. C

    Using the ERA5 land/sea mask data in WRF

    I have noticed that there is an issue with the land sea mask that you get from ECMWF is not binary. This is also noted on ECMWF webpage: Land-sea mask in ERA5 and ERA-Interim - Copernicus User Support Forum - ECMWF Confluence Wiki Because the mask is not binary I believe it creates an issue...
  20. M

    Severe error when runing metgrid.exe

    I'm having a severe error with wrf 4.4.1 when runing metgrid.exe, it starts processing the domains and suddenly stops. I thougth could be related with my namelist.wps but after this error I cannot execute anymore also the geogrid.exe. Processing domain 2 of 5 forrtl: severe (64): input...