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  1. G

    Metgrid only processing first time step

    Hello, I am trying to complete the hurricane Matthew case from the ARW Online Tutorial. I have gotten a successful run for all steps of the tutorial except using metgrid to process the files, instead having to borrow the data from the webstie. Metgrid seems to be processing the first file...
  2. S

    Finding SST data for WRF

    Hi there, I am completely new to using SST data and I'm not sure where to start. I think I understand what I'm supposed to do once I actually have the data, but I'm not sure where to get it, especially in a form where I can use ungrib on it. I'm currently modelling temperatures in Toronto, but...
  3. yanhongyi

    Soil moisture in met_em* files has negative values

    Hello, I recently planned to study the effect of soil moisture on air temperature, so I wanted to modify the soil moisture in the met_em* files. However, I found out today that there are negative values in the soil moisture (Variable: SM, SM000007, SM007028, SM028100, SM100289), which confuses...
  4. M

    Running a new WRF simulation with wrfout

    Hi, I would like to use WRF output as input for a new WRF simulation. As I deleted some variables from the output and my new domain has a resolution with a parent_grid_ratio different than 3 and 5, ndown shouldn't be suited to produce the forcings. So I guess the only solution is to use UPP...
  5. S

    met_em files

    Hi all, I have a doubt in the met_em files generated. I'm trying to reproduce the results of the simulation from the article -"Recovery processes in a large offshore wind farm". I'm using WRF 4.4.1 and WPS 4.4 for the current simulation. I have successfully compiled the WRF and WPS with the...
  6. Z

    metgrid warning:Couldn't open file ALBSI:2018-03-11_12 for input metgrid Couldn't open wps intermediate file

    Dear all, I am using the Polar-WRF and its need some other data which are not available in GRIB.So I wrote these data into the intermediate file WPSformat with NCL.It did work and I got intermediate file like:ALBSI:yyyy-mm-dd ICEDEPTH:yyyy-mm-dd However,when I was trying to run metgrid.exe,it...
  7. N

    ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field

    Hi, I'm using WPS 4.4 and WRF 4.4 version. I'm getting this error when I run metgrid.exe Processing domain 1 of 1 Processing 2022-10-18_00 FILE ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in...
  8. X

    metgrid error in ext_pkg_write_field

    hello, I am trying to run WPS. I've completed the geogrid.exe and ungrib.exe. However, when I try to run metgrid.exe, I got this error: My WRF version is 4.4 so I don't understand why I get this error. is there anyone can help me? thanks!
  9. S


    Hello, I am using WRF4.1 and ERA5. I was wondering how SOILHGT from the ungrib.exe is used in the metgrid.exe/real.exe. Does SOILHGT interact with HGT_M of geo_em files or HGT of wrfinput files? Thanks, Siyu
  10. G

    Metgrid output only have one level

    Dear all, I am using IPSL CMIP5 model to run WPS. However, only times 00,06,12, and 18 can have output after the ./metgrid.exe run. The outputs only have one level of data, that is: BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION = 1 ; The ungrib.log, metgrid.log and the ncdump -h met_em output are attached here...