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New member
I currently face the issue:

Error : Not found /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2/include/
Please check this installation of NetCDF and re-run this configure script
./configure: 664: exit: Illegal number: -1

while trying to run ./configure on a slurm based cluster with Debian12 using the LMOD system. I have netcdf-c (4.9.2) and netcdf-fortran(4.6.1) both installed in a single netcdf folder e.g. /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2

I double checked to see if the was there and my installation is fine and indeed the file is there. I wanted to ask if this error in the building of WRF is due to the fact that we have had to install the netcdf binaries separately into a single folder and are trying to load them via a single module command or is it just simple incompatibility of the version with the WRF version 4.5.1.

Every solution I have seen to this problem has been to simply have the fortran files in the same place as the c netcdf, which we do, I made sure of that but I still can't get the program to compile. Do I have to set up a new lua file where I have the netcdf-c and fortran linked to a different folder even though they were installed in the same folder?

Any help will be highly appreciated. I have attached the output of the ./configure file as well as the configure.wrf


  • errorlogWRFConfig.txt
    9.2 KB · Views: 1
  • configure.wrf.txt
    21 KB · Views: 1
Just to be sure, make sure you're following the exact installation format indicated here.

If so, then please issue the following and attach the *.txt files.

ls -ls /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2 >& 492.txt
ls -ls /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2/include >& include.txt
ls -ls /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2/bin >& bin.txt
ls -ls /mnt/nfs/clustersw/Debian/bookworm/netcdf/4.9.2/lib >& lib.txt
echo $PATH >& path.txt
echo $NETCDF >& netcdf.txt
Okay this is weird but I uninstalled the netcdf library and installed it again in the module system and this time it worked. I am sorry for any inconvenience.
Well, whatever it takes, I guess! I'm glad you were able to get past the issue. Thanks for the update.