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Non accumulative Precipitation


New member
Hi all,

I am interested in the RAINC and RAINCC file output, both daily and hourly data. I have ran the simulation for 14 days, 2017-11-01_00:00 to 2017-11-15_00 for 2 domains but when I reviewed the last wrfout file of d02, 2017-11-15_00:00, I realized that the output gave me the total accumulation of all 15 days. Please have a look at my namelist.input file as named in wrf2nesteddomain. I am not sure if it was because I turned on the feedback or the nested variable. I have also tried to incorporate new variable, prcp_acc_dt and set as 0 for d01 and 60 for d02, will that be able to reset the boundary at each hour?



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The variables RAINC and RAINNC are cumulative variables. To get the values at any particular point in time, you would need to calculate that. For e.g. if you are interested in daily values for 2017-11-05,
RAINC = RAINC (at time 2017-11-06_00:00:00) - RAINC (at time 2017-11-05_00:00:00).
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Hi, thank you for your response.
1. Just to confirm the variable "prcp_acc_dt" will not produce non-accumulated output even if I write my output to 60 minute interval, is that correct?
2. May I know why didn't we consider the RAINSH for the total rainfall output? Is it because it is assumed to not produce precipitation due to its smaller depth and weaker vertical motions?
3. To obtain the total rainfall, do we sum up RAINC and RAINNC?

Have a nice day!
1. Take a look at this previous post that describes the way prec_acc_dt is calculated.
2. I didn't realize you were using a shallow cumulus scheme. I believe, in that case, RAINSH would be included in the calculation.
3. Yes, you would sum the values.