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PBLH is 0 for all areas of domain


Active member
I am trying to calculate wind gusts using an equation from a research paper.

In the paper you need to calculate wind speed at the pblh.

However, When I print out the pblh values they are all 0

(wrf-python) workhorse@workhorse-MS-7D91:/media/workhorse/1774-7AEE/Python Charts/python charts development/Development$ python3 /home/workhorse/WRF_Intel/WRFV4.5.2/run/ d02
Plotting data: 2024/02/10 00:00 UTC
Shape: (205, 190)
Headers: Coordinates:
    XLONG    (south_north, west_east) float32 -101.3 -101.3 ... -95.3 -95.27
    XLAT     (south_north, west_east) float32 28.29 28.29 28.29 ... 33.72 33.72
    XTIME    float32 0.0
    Time     datetime64[ns] 2024-02-10
Attributes: {'FieldType': 104, 'MemoryOrder': 'XY ', 'description': 'PBL HEIGHT', 'units': 'm', 'stagger': '', 'coordinates': 'XLONG XLAT XTIME', 'projection': LambertConformal(stand_lon=-99.875, moad_cen_lat=31.25000762939453, truelat1=31.25, truelat2=31.25, pole_lat=90.0, pole_lon=0.0)}
Values: [[0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.]]

my namelist files are attached.


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PBLH is a diagnostic variable calculated in the QNSE scheme (bl_pbl_physics = 4). It is initialized to be zero everywhere. But once the model starts running, it should be calculated.

Have you checked this variable in other wrfout files, for example the wrfout file at local noon time?
PBLH is a diagnostic variable calculated in the QNSE scheme (bl_pbl_physics = 4). It is initialized to be zero everywhere. But once the model starts running, it should be calculated.

Have you checked this variable in other wrfout files, for example the wrfout file at local noon time?
That's what it is, the initizliation time was the issue.
Now question about PBLH is it a value from the ground level or WRF (taking in consideration of topography) or does it start at 0 meters
So if I want the height of the lowest level of pbl do I need to subtract the z at the ground level?
That's what it is, the initizliation time was the issue.
Now question about PBLH is it a value from the ground level or WRF (taking in consideration of topography) or does it start at 0 meters
So if I want the height of the lowest level of pbl do I need to subtract the z at the ground level?
I'm trying to implement the UPP's method of gust calculation based on pblh.