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Polar filter segmentation fault


New member

Has anyone used the polar filter? I was running WRF v3.8.1 (LES mode) and was just testing the FFT routine by enabling the call of the subroutine pxft in solve_em.F (I commented out the "IF (config_flags%polar) THEN" and "ENF IF" statement). Then when running wrf.exe, I got segmentation fault at the time step after one history_interval, i.e. I set the output to be every one second, and at t=1 s the segmentation fault occurred..

I also ran WRF v4.2, /test/em_les using the original setup, and enabling polar filter by commenting out the if statement in solve_em.F. The same segmentation fault occurred after 1 min, while history_interval_m=1 and history_interval_s=0. Here's the error message:

"forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

Image PC Routine Line Source

wrf.exe 00000000022513CA for__signal_handl Unknown Unknown

libpthread-2.28.s 000015554E470CF0 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 000000000041C75F Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 00000000005346A4 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 000000000107D14B Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 000000000106CD37 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 00000000010E2EBF Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 00000000010D2D89 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 00000000010D24F8 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 00000000005349D0 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 0000000000414723 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 0000000000414266 Unknown Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 0000000000414222 Unknown Unknown Unknown 000015554BD09D85 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown

wrf.exe 000000000041412E Unknown Unknown Unknown"

Has polar filter ever been tested? I wonder if it is a bug with the original code, since as long as I uncomment the IF statements and keep "polar=.false." in the namelist, the executable runs without a problem.

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Polar filter is well tested in WRF and I don't think there is any bug related to this program.

Polar filter should not be employed for ideal LES simulation.