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segmentation fault

  1. A

    forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred in wrf.exe

    Hi all, While running wrf.exe I'm encountering an error forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred after simulating 2 days. Error is not coming immediately, it is coming after 2 days of simulation only when hitting the date 2017-11-29_21:52:30 always. I'm using 64 cores to run...
  2. C

    Segmentation Fault in WRF-Chem: Issues with wrfinput files modified by ETKF in WRFDA hybrid

    Hello everyone, I currently work on running WRF-Chem after Hybrid 3DVar-ETKF WRFDA, and encountered a persistent segmentation fault (wrfchem-run stopped at 'calls rrtmg_lw'). The Hybrid 3DVar-ETKF process contains the following steps: 1.wrf_3dvar_input_*.e001,wrf_3dvar_input_*.e002: Be...
  3. L

    Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

    Hello, I encountered a Segmentation fault error while running wrf.exe. When I tried to rerun using restart, the same error occurred. The error consistently appears in the file rsl.error.0049. I have attached my namelist file and all rsl files in the attachment. The command I used to run WRF is...
  4. C

    compiling WRF-Chem 4.6

    I've been testing WRF-Chem 4.6 on Linux x86_64 with dmpar INTEL (ifort/icc), and I've encountered a segmentation fault at the start of my simulation. To prevent this, I've had to add the following flags: -O0 -fno-inline -no-ip While this resolves the issue, I'm concerned that these flags could...
  5. zoidimitriadou

    wrf.exe is getting the error YOUR APPLICATION TERMINATED WITH THE EXIT STRING: Killed (signal 9) after running for a few seconds

    Hello! I'm writing this question after @kwerner prompted me to open a new thread for my issue (here). I'm new at this forum but have some experience with the model which was always supervised up until now. Currently, I am trying to run a simulation in order to later use WRFDA. All the...
  6. M

    Segmentation fault for idealized tropical cyclone simulation with a moving nest

    Hi, I'm encountering a segmentation fault early in the integration of WRFv4.4 for an idealized simulation of a tropical cyclone. The simulation is configured with 2 nests and vortex tracking on the innermost nest. I compiled WRF with the debug flag and received the following error traceback...
  7. S

    solution of "segmentation fault" for high resolution simulations over India

    Dear WRF Team, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Saikrishna, and I am currently engaged in the simulation of heavy rainfall events over India using the WRF model. My objective is to analyze both local-scale and large-scale features during these events. In my endeavor, I have...
  8. G

    CFL error while running WRF-ARW

    Hello everyone, I'm running some simulations with WRF version 4.5.1 coupled with sf_urban_physics = 2 and bl_pbl_physics = 8 for three one-way nested domains for a month. Initially, I defined the eta levels with auto_levels_opt = 2, dzbot = 35, dzstretch_s = 1.3, and dzstretch_u = 1.1. This way...
  9. K

    Segmentation fault with real.exe --> Subroutine input_chem_profile

    Hello, I am trying to run WRF-Chem v4.5.2. When I use chem_opt=201, real.exe stops with a seg fault error. I have tried this with WRF-Chem v4.4.2 and I receive the exact same segmentation fault error. I have looked at the other posts and none of those solutions worked for me. I am still waiting...
  10. L

    Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

    Hello, I am trying to run WRF-Chem v4.3. When I use chem_opt=132, after real.exe it stopped after a few seconds. (attached namelist.input and rsl.error.0001) I really need help. Thank you!
  11. M

    Segmentation Faults just prior to integration

    Hello, I'm currently running WRF V4.5.2 built with Classic Intel compilers (dm+sm) on Princeton's research computing clusters. I'm using 0.25 GFS as input data, and when I run the model it always seg faults right before integration. The rsl.out/error files didn't show the fault, but I hope they...
  12. A

    Segmentation fault while running physics schemes tests with NDOWN inputs

    Hello, After I successfully ran a "Base" physics configuration (see table below) multiple times, doing high-res. topgraphy and vertical-levels-number experiments, I needed to try other physics parameterizations. According to an extensive literature review and my case's characteristics...
  13. L

    Problem with wind and the change of vertical layers.

    Hello everyone, Sorry for my English. You'll see, I've run WRF with the default distribution of vertical layers (in my case, e_vert=35). For a better resolution in the lower layers, I set up the following distribution: eta_levels = 1.000, 0.998, 0.994, 0.990, 0.988, 0.982...
  14. V

    Segmentation fault while running wrf.exe at 1km resolution

    Hi, I am using the WRF v4.0 model for simulations over the mountainous region of India. Model IC/BC is being used from ERA5 datasets. Simulation has three domains, i.e., D1 = 20 km, D2 = 4 km, and D3 = 1 km resolution. WPS and WRF-real completed without any error messages while running wrf.exe...
  15. Y

    restart run encountered segmentation fault

    Hello all, I'm using WRF version 4.5 to perform a restart run test, But I encountered segmentation fault like the follows at the beginning of restart run: [ib0306:55202:0:55202] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: address not mapped to object at address 0xfffffffe07e74c40) ==== backtrace...
  16. R

    How can I run wrf-les with a generated wrfinput

    I have generated an analysis after the EnKF and now I want to link it as wrfinput to run wrf-les, but a segment fault always happens when the run just begins. I'm sure my disk and memory are sufficient and time_step is suitable. How can I run the wrf-les with this file? I wonder whether I can...
  17. B

    MPAS-A issues with parallelization: Segmentation fault

    Dear, I'm having some (hopefully standard) issues running MPAS-A. I'm running a regional circular domain of 1500 km diameter on a 3km resolution. Using ERA5 as initial and boundary conditions, and OSTIA for sea surface temperature, ./init_atmosphere_model runs fine and the and lbc*.nc...
  18. X

    Modify static data in WRF but segmentation fault

    Hello ! I want to replace the static data of LAI, ALBEDO, and LU_INDEX in WRF. I chose to directly replace the data. After the replacement is successful, both metgrid.exe and real.exe can run successfully, and the resulting data is fine. However, in the final step of running...
  19. R

    GEOGRID.exe Segmentation error

    Anyone please give solution. I am trying to run geogrid for nested domains and recieved this error. Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. Backtrace for this error: #0 0x7f1bfd487d21 in ??? #1 0x7f1bfd486ef5 in ??? #2 0x7f1bfd16908f in ??? #3...
  20. L

    Segmentation Error or decrease the runtime

    Hello everyone, First, sorry for my English. I hope you understand. See, I have a problem of Segmentation Error. I already saw many post about that and I concluded that it was because of inestability of the model, so I change my timestep of 60 to 30 and it worked. However, I seem the time of...