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GEOGRID.exe Segmentation error


New member
Anyone please give solution. I am trying to run geogrid for nested domains and recieved this error.

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f1bfd487d21 in ???
#1 0x7f1bfd486ef5 in ???
#2 0x7f1bfd16908f in ???
#3 0x7f1bfce5bc2b in ???
#4 0x7f1bfd799b18 in ???
#5 0x55c4b8edfe17 in ???
#6 0x55c4b8eb6710 in ???
#7 0x7f1bfd14a082 in ???
#8 0x55c4b8eb57dd in ???
#9 0xffffffffffffffff in ???

WRF version: 4.5.1
WPS version: 4.5


  • namelist.wps
    695 bytes · Views: 5
Anyone please give solution. I am trying to run geogrid for nested domains and recieved this error.

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f1bfd487d21 in ???
#1 0x7f1bfd486ef5 in ???
#2 0x7f1bfd16908f in ???
#3 0x7f1bfce5bc2b in ???
#4 0x7f1bfd799b18 in ???
#5 0x55c4b8edfe17 in ???
#6 0x55c4b8eb6710 in ???
#7 0x7f1bfd14a082 in ???
#8 0x55c4b8eb57dd in ???
#9 0xffffffffffffffff in ???

WRF version: 4.5.1
WPS version: 4.5
Good morning @rsn.satmet

Could you please attach these files to this thread? It will help diagnosis the issue easier.

1. All the geogrid.log files in the WPS folder
2. All the metgrid.log files in the WPS folder
3. the ungrib.log file in the WPS folder.

If you can attach them as a zip file I can see if I see an obvious error.
Your namelist.wps looks fine. Please check whether you have enough memory to run this case. I would suggest that you run over a single domain with a smaller grid number, i.e.,

max_dom =1
e_we = 36, 112,
e_sn = 25, 97,

This is just for test to make sure whether memory is an issue for the segmentation.

Please save the log file for me to take a look.
Your namelist.wps looks fine. Please check whether you have enough memory to run this case. I would suggest that you run over a single domain with a smaller grid number, i.e.,

max_dom =1
e_we = 36, 112,
e_sn = 25, 97,

This is just for test to make sure whether memory is an issue for the segmentation.

Please save the log file for me to take a look
The ungrib.exe program did successfully run but the problem was with the geogrid.exe.
You have guessed it right, the error occurred due to low memory in my wsl distro.
Later when I increased the memory and rerun the geogrid.exe then it ran successfully for nested domain.
I'm sorry I didn't save the log file.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. Increased memory really did work.
The ungrib.exe program did successfully run but the problem was with the geogrid.exe.
You have guessed it right, the error occurred due to low memory in my wsl distro.
Later when I increased the memory and rerun the geogrid.exe then it ran successfully for nested domain.
I'm sorry I didn't save the log file.

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. Increased memory really did work.
Dear ravi, I have facing the same problem but with wrf.exe (Exit code: 5 Program received signal 11 (SIGSEGV): Segmentation fault.) even with very small domain and simple cases. I am not familiar with linux, how did you manage to increase the memory in your distro? Thanks for your help!
it may be worth trying to unlimit the stacksize before running WRF.. In sh/bash, you can run 'ulimit -s unlimited' and in csh/tcsh you can run 'limit stacksize unlimited'.

If you are using Linux, check to see if there is any restriction on your memory use:

ulimit -a

If the memory is limited, you may need to increase it with "ulimit -m value" (value in kbytes or mbytes),

or ask the system administrator to do it.
Many thanks for your reply. I had a problem with the time step which made this segmentation fault problem appears. It was not clear at all that the problem was coming from it. Once solved, everything worked fine.

Please clarify that your case can run successfully after you reduce time step. If this is correct, it indicates that your time step is too large and the model integration is unstable. Note that the maximum time step is 6 x DELX.